

我只使用 RazorViewEngine 对我的ASP.NET MVC 3应用程序之一,我清除W​​eb窗体视图引擎出具有下列里面<$ C $ code C>的Application_Start 的方法,我的的Global.asax.cs 文件

I am only using RazorViewEngine on one of my ASP.NET MVC 3 applications and I cleared Web Forms view engine out with following code inside Application_Start method of my Global.asax.cs file

ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RazorViewEngine());

我决定去看看实的东西,这样我可以就此满足两线 - code-努力,我尝试呈现一个不存在的局部视图,我得到了这样的结果:

I decided to see something solid so that I could be satisfied with this two-line-code-effort and I try to render a partial view which does not exist and I got this result :

  〜/地区/住宿/查看/度假/ _ResortMapPartialView.cshtml
  〜/地区/住宿/查看/度假/ _ResortMapPartialView.vbhtml
  〜/地区/住宿/查看/共享/ _ResortMapPartialView.cshtml
  〜/地区/住宿/查看/共享/ _ResortMapPartialView.vbhtml
  〜/查看/度假/ _ResortMapPartialView.cshtml
  〜/查看/度假/ _ResortMapPartialView.vbhtml
  〜/查看/共享/ _ResortMapPartialView.cshtml
  〜/查看/共享/ _ResortMapPartialView.vbhtml

看起来更好一点。现在看起来比以前少的项目。但仍与 .vbhtml 扩展名的文件都让我不适应的。

It looks a little better. Now it looks for less items than before. But still the files with .vbhtml extensions are making me unconformable.


The question is that : How can we get rid of them?


我的建议是重写 RazorViewEngine 定义为以下内容仅包含 CSHTML 文件。

My suggestion would be to override the RazorViewEngine definitions for the following to only include cshtml files.

  • AreaViewLocationFormats

  • AreaMasterLocationFormats

  • AreaPartialViewLocationFormats

  • ViewLocationFormats

  • MasterLocationFormats

  • PartialViewLocationFormats

  • FileExtensions


public class CSHtmlViewEngine: RazorViewEngine
    public CSHtmlViewEngine()
            new string[]

        base.AreaPartialViewLocationFormats =
            new string[]

   // All the other LocationFormats listed above will also need to be amended
   // Don't forget the FileExtensions array


请参阅我的回答哪些。同样的原则也适用。您需要注册这个修改后的视图引擎( CSHtmlViewEngine )的 ApplicationStart

See my answer which talks about overriding these values. The same principle applies. You will need to register this modified ViewEngine (CSHtmlViewEngine) in the ApplicationStart method

ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new CSHtmlViewEngine());


10-28 18:54