本文介绍了如何在 SQL Server 中使用 SMO 自动生成脚本?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想在 SSMS 2008 中自动生成脚本(在 SSMS --> 任务 --> 生成脚本).我读到 SQL Server 2008 不支持数据库发布向导(包括 SQLPUBWIZ SCRIPT),但这种自动化可以在 SQL Server 2008 中使用 SMO 完成.我不知道 SMO 以及如何使用 SMO 执行此操作,所以您能给我一些建议(资源等)如何开始?

I would like to automate script generation (in SSMS --> Tasks --> Generate Scripts) in SSMS 2008. I have read that SQL Server 2008 does not support Database Publishing Wizard (including SQLPUBWIZ SCRIPT) but this automation can be done using SMO in SQL Server 2008. I don't have a clue about SMO and how to do this using SMO, so could you give me some advice (resources etc.) how to begin?


SMO 脚本编写的关键是 Scripter 类.所有其他工具(如 SSMS)都使用这个类来生成对象创建脚本.MSDN 上有一个示例用法:

The key to SMO scripting is the Scripter class. All other tools (like SSMS) use this class to generated object creation scripts. There is an example usage on MSDN:

   //Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
  Server srv = new Server();

   //Reference the AdventureWorks2008R2 database.
  Database db = srv.Databases["AdventureWorks2008R2"];

   //Define a Scripter object and set the required scripting options.
  Scripter scrp = new Scripter(srv);
   scrp.Options.ScriptDrops = false;
   scrp.Options.WithDependencies = true;

   //Iterate through the tables in database and script each one. Display the script.
   //Note that the StringCollection type needs the System.Collections.Specialized namespace to be included.
   Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.Urn[] smoObjects = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.Urn[1] ;
   foreach (Table tb in db.Tables) {
      smoObjects[0] = tb.Urn;
      if (tb.IsSystemObject == false) {
         System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection sc;
         sc = scrp.Script(smoObjects);
         foreach ( string st in sc) {

这篇关于如何在 SQL Server 中使用 SMO 自动生成脚本?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-26 20:28