

我已经开始尝试使用SQL Server 2012功能LocalDb.我正在针对我创建的实例(例如创建数据库)使用SMO进行一些powershell脚本编写.为此,我具有以下功能:

I've started to experiment with the SQL Server 2012 feature LocalDb. I'm doing some powershell scripting with SMO against the instances I create, such as creating databases. To do this, I have this function:

Function New-Database {
    $serverHandle = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($server)
    if($serverHandle.Databases.Name.Contains($databaseName)) {
        throw "Database $databaseName already exists"

    $databaseHandle = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database($serverHandle, $databaseName)

使用LocalDb时,在C:\Users\<username>\中创建mdf和ldf文件.我想重写它,但是我找不到方法. $databaseHandle对象具有属性PrimaryFilePath,但这是只读的.看起来应该做起来很简单,但我只是不知道如何...

When using LocalDb, the mdf and ldf files are created in C:\Users\<username>\. I want to override this, but I'm failing to find out how. The $databaseHandle object has a property PrimaryFilePath, but that is read-only. It seems like something that should be dead-simple to do, but I just can't find out how...


SolutionLed by the answer below, here is the Powershell calls I needed:

    $fileGroup = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGroup($databaseHandle, "PRIMARY")
    $dataFile = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataFile($fileGroup, "DataFile", $filePath)


我认为来自SMO论坛的线程包含了答案.您只需要将其转换为SQL PowerShell语法即可(目前我认为这只是SMO的包装).

I think this thread from the SMO Forum contains the answer. You just need to translate it to SQL PowerShell syntax (which I believe is just a wrapper to SMO at this point).


Here's the VBScript snippet:

databaseHandle.FileGroups.Add(New FileGroup(db, "PRIMARY"))
    New DataFile(db.FileGroups(0), "TestName", "D:\SqlBancos\Teste\Teste1.mdf"))


10-26 21:30