请我在 raven DB 插入中使用默认 ID 生成,现在一切似乎都正常
Please I am using the default ID Generation in raven DB inserting and everything seems to work fine for now
但是我的 ID 具有以下格式entityName/1"
However My ID Has the following format "entityName/1"
因此如果添加为路由值,则以下 URL 结果
so if added as a route value, the following URL Results
Which as u can guess results in the following message
描述:HTTP 404.您要查找的资源(或其依赖项之一)可能已被删除、更改名称或暂时不可用.请检查以下 URL 并确保其拼写正确.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
请求的 URL:/Settings/Edit/SystemSettings/1
Requested URL: /Settings/Edit/SystemSettings/1
Please how can I change this behavior
有多种方法可以解决 MVC 路由和 RavenDB 命名约定之间的这种冲突,最简单的方法在这里描述(页面底部):http://ravendb.net/kb/3/using-ravendb-in-an-asp-net-mvc-website
There are multiple ways of solving this conflict between MVC routing and RavenDB's naming conventions, the easiest way is described here (bottom of page): http://ravendb.net/kb/3/using-ravendb-in-an-asp-net-mvc-website
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