

我遵循了Jersey 2.0文档( https://jersey.java.net/documentation/latest/user-guide.html#json.moxy ),修改后的pom.xml,包括jersey-media-moxy构件,已编译并安装.对于Produce和Consume案例,我都可以获得从POJO到JSON的基本映射工作.

I followed the Jersey 2.0 document (https://jersey.java.net/documentation/latest/user-guide.html#json.moxy), modified pom.xml, included jersey-media-moxy artifact, compiled and installed. I could get basic POJO to JSON mapping work for both Produces and Consumes cases.

但是,当我尝试使用一些具有复杂数据类型的POJO作为资源返回类型时,出现了很多Status 500 Internal Server Error,但没有任何服务器日志.这很烦人.有人知道这是一个错误还是我错过了配置中的某些内容?

However, when I tried with some POJO with complex data type as resource return type, I got a lot Status 500 Internal Server Error but without any server log. It is very annoying. Does anybody know if it is a bug or I missed something in configuration?


By the way, in order to use Moxy mapping for a POJO object, the POJO needs to have a empty parameter constructor. Are there any other requirements?



I had the same problem and found this post:


The author implemented ApplicationEventListener to log the exceptions thrown by Moxy. This is my implementation (needs to be registered in your application):

public class ExceptionListener implements ApplicationEventListener {

    public void onEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {


    public RequestEventListener onRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
        return new ExceptionRequestEventListener();

    public static class ExceptionRequestEventListener implements RequestEventListener{
        private final Logger logger;

        public ExceptionRequestEventListener(){
            logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());

        public void onEvent(RequestEvent event) {
            switch (event.getType()){
                case ON_EXCEPTION:
                    Throwable t = event.getException();
                    logger.error("Found exception for requestType: "+event.getType(), t);


09-14 07:09