

问题在标题中,这里很新,所以对这个网站还不太了解.想使用 hash 来创造更多的随机性"但还不确定 Java 的 Math.Random() 是否有可能破解它?

Question is in the title, quite new here so don't know much about the site yet.Want to use hash for creating "more randomness" but not yet sure about Java's Math.Random() yet, is it possible to crack it?


如果你正在使用 java.util.Random(),这是可能的.看看这个代码

If you are using java.util.Random(), it is possible. Have a look at this Code

为了更好的安全性,你必须使用 SecureRandom 如下

For better security, you have to use SecureRandom as below

SecureRandom secureRandomGenerator = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");


But the best solution, which can't be cracked is using Hardware for Random number generation.

像 MersenneTwister 这样的基于 Random 的算法可以被黑客攻击 Dan Petro

Algorithms based on Random like MersenneTwister can be hacked as per this article by Dan Petro


CSPRNGs (Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator) to use are:

  1. 在类 Unix 系统上从 /dev/urandom 读取

Java SecureRandom

.NET RNGCryptoServiceProvider

PHP openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() 函数


In contrast, some examples of random number generators to avoid are:

  1. libc rand() 函数

Java Random 类

The Java Random class

.NET Random 类

The .NET Random class

PHP 的 rand() 和 mt_rand() 函数

PHP’s rand() and mt_rand() functions

看看这篇由 Thomas Huhn 撰写的文章

Have a look at this article by Thomas Huhn


07-30 10:08