我们有一个受密码保护的程序,附带一组.wmv视频教程。在应用程序中,通过调用System :: Diagnostics :: Process :: Start(filename) 来播放wmv文件,默认查看器将播放文件。
We have a password protected program that ships with a set of .wmv video tutorials. From within the app the wmv files are played by making a call to System::Diagnostics::Process::Start(filename) and the default viewer will play the file.
In order to protect proprietary information, we need to prevent the .wmv files from being copied and played on computers that do not have our software installed. Password protecting the .wmv files would solve the problem, but wmv files do not support password protection.
I am looking for ideas and suggestions to solve this issue.
您可以将这些.wmv文件包含为嵌入式资源,以便将它们编译为.exe / dll。运行时需要从资源中读取并将它们转换回.wmv并运行它。最后你需要删除这些文件。
You can include those .wmv files as an embedded resource so that they will compiled to your .exe/dll. Run times you need to read from resource and convert them back to .wmv and run it. At the end you need to delete those files.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3w5b27z4(v = vs.80).aspx
选项2 您可以将所有.wmv包含为受密码保护的.zip文件。通过程序,您可以通过提供密码到临时文件夹解压缩并运行它。
Option 2 You can include all .wmv as a password protected .zip file. By program you can unzip by supplying password to a temp folder and run it.