本文介绍了Jenkins将不使用Java 7编译器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm working with a team on a maven project, and I set up a build job for it in Jenkins.


Recently, someone on the team added code that switches on a String. This caused the build to fail in Jenkins with the following error:

error: strings in switch are not supported in -source 1.5

因此,我当然意识到Jenkins需要使用Java 7,而不是Java 5.

So of course I realized Jenkins needs to be using Java 7, not Java 5.

首先,我远程进入服务器,打开一个cmd,然后执行where javajava -version.我检查了我的环境变量和路径.一切都指向相同的Java 7 jdk目录:C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_21.

First, I remoted into the server, opened a cmd, and did where java and java -version. I checked my environment variables and my path. Everything is pointing to the same Java 7 jdk directory: C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_21.


Then I checked Jenkins to see if it was configured to use the correct JDK. It is:


In fact, that's the only Java that the Jenkins server is set up to use, and it's the only Java installed in the Server.

作为最后的选择,我将JDK参数插件安装到Jenkins中.然后,我将项目设置为使用Java 7参数:

As a last resort, I installed the JDK parameter plugin into Jenkins. I then set the project to use the Java 7 parameter:


But still, I get the same error.

我错过了什么吗?是什么原因造成的?最重要的是,我该如何解决它并使Jenkins使用-source 1.7而不是-source 1.5?

Am I missing something? What could be causing this? Most importantly, how can I solve it and get Jenkins to use -source 1.7 instead of -source 1.5?


检查pom.xml以及在那里指定的Java版本(用于源代码).可能是source 1.5的来源.

Check your pom.xml and what java version (for the source) is specified there. That could be where the source 1.5 is coming from.



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08-14 07:33