


So I'm trying to split int array into two arrays that the difference of arrays sums would be minimum. Does anyone have any ideas how can I do that? Or any tips?

F.e. int [] S = {1,1,3,6};

我们可以将 S 数组拆分为

int[] a = {1,1,3};

int [] b = {6};

数组 a 的总和为5,而数组 b 的总和为6,因此最小差为1.> S ,例如 a b ,而不是总和.

Array a sum is 5 and array b sum is 6 so the minimum difference is 1. By the way, I'm trying to get split arrays of S like a and b, not the sums difference.

输入: int [] S = {1,1,3,6};

输出: int [] a = {1,1,3}; int [] b = {6}; .那就是我想要做的.

Output: int[] a = {1,1,3}; and int[] b = {6};. That's what I'm trying to do.


So far I've tried Link




The link you gave is for a more complex problem than the one you are showing us. In your example, elements can't be "reordered", so you can only subdivide the array in two parts. You simply have to choose where to "cut".

var array = new int[] { 1, 1, 3, 6 };

int leftSum = 0;
int rightSum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
    rightSum += array[i];

int leftArraySize = 0;
int minDiff = rightSum;

for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
    rightSum -= array[i];
    leftSum += array[i];

    int diff = Math.Abs(rightSum - leftSum);

    if (diff < minDiff)
        minDiff = diff;
        leftArraySize = i + 1;

var leftArray = new int[leftArraySize];
var rightArray = new int[array.Length - leftArraySize];
Array.Copy(array, 0, leftArray, 0, leftArray.Length);
Array.Copy(array, leftArray.Length, rightArray, 0, rightArray.Length);

没有Linq的简单代码:您有两个和池", leftSum rightSum .您对 rightSum 池中的数组的所有元素求和.然后逐个元素地将一个元素从 rightSum 和移动"到 leftSum 和.然后,您检查两个和池"之间的差异是否最小.然后,您只需将元素复制到两个新数组中即可.

Simple code, without Linq: you have two "sum pools", leftSum and rightSum. You sum all the elements of the array in the rightSum pool. Then element by element you "move" one element from the rightSum sum to the leftSum sum. You then check if/when the difference between two "sum pools" is the minimum one. Then you simply copy the elements in two new arrays.


07-23 00:25