I'm running Tomcat6 in Sun's JRE6 and every couple deploys I get OutOfMemoryException: PermGen. I've done the Googling of PermGen solutions and tried many fixes. None work. I read a lot of good things about Oracle's JRockit and how its PermGen allocation can be gigs in size (compare to Sun's 128M) and while it doesn't solve the problem, it would allow me to redeploy 100 times between PermGen exceptions compared to 2 times now.
The problem with JRockit is to use it in production you need to buy WebLogic which costs thousands of dollars. What other (free) options exist that are more forgiving of PermGen expansion? How do the below JVMs do in this area?
- 打开JDK
- Blackdown
- Kaffe
- Open JDK
- Blackdown
- Kaffe
更新:有些人问我为什么认为PermGen max是128M。原因是因为每当我尝试将其提升到128M以上时,我的JVM都无法初始化:
Update: Some people have asked why I thought PermGen max was 128M. The reason is because any time I try to raise it above 128M my JVM fails to initialize:
[2009-06-18 01:39: 44] [info] VM初始化期间发生错误
[2009-06-18 01:39:44] [info]无法为对象堆保留足够的空间
[2009-06-18 01: 39:44] [395 javajni.c] [错误] CreateJavaVM失败
奇怪的是它未能尝试为对象保留空间 heap ,虽然我不确定它是堆而不是a堆。
It's strange that it fails trying to reserve space for the object heap, though I'm not sure it's "the" heap instead of "a" heap.
I boot the JVM with 1024MB initial and 1536MB max heap.
我会关闭这个问题,因为它已被回答,即。 切换是无用的,而是要求
I will close this question since it has been answered, ie. "switching is useless" and ask instead Why does my Sun JVM fail with larger PermGen settings?
我同意Michael Borgwardt的观点你可以增加PermGen的大小,我不同意它主要是由于内存泄漏。 PermGen空间被大量使用Reflection的应用程序侵占。所以基本上如果你有一个在Tomcat中运行的Spring / Hibernate应用程序,那么就要准备好让PermGen空间大量增加。
I agree with Michael Borgwardt in that you can increase the PermGen size, I disagree that it's primarily due to memory leaks. PermGen space gets eaten up aggressively by applications which implement heavy use of Reflection. So basically if you have a Spring/Hibernate application running in Tomcat, be prepared to bump that PermGen space up a lot.