


In my app there are dynamic parts that are loaded from database as string that looks like:

"define(['dependency1', 'dependency2'], function(){"+
"   // function body" +

这只是一个简单的requireJS模块,作为字符串。我想使用async require调用延迟加载上面的脚本。所以,我的main requireJS脚本如下所示:

which is just a simple requireJS module, as a string. I want to lazy load the script above using async require call. So, my main requireJS script looks like:

require(["jquery"], function($){        
        // logic to load specific script from database
        var scriptString = functionToLoadTheStringAbove();

        // ideally i would like to call it like this            
        require([scriptString], function(){
           // scriptString, dependency1, dependency2 are loaded


How do I load those string in requireJS? I know about text plugin, but it only allow loading from files. I tried eval but it doesn't resolve dependencies correctly.



This is quite late, but I just post my solution here in case anyone needs.

所以我最后在requireJS论坛上询问并检查和。在RequireJS中从String加载模块的最简单方法是使用自己的插件加载String,然后使用将 eval 您的String并解析所有依赖项。

So I ended up asking in requireJS forum and examining the source of text! plugin and json! plugin. The cleanest way to load module from String in RequireJS is by making your own plugin to load the String, and then use onLoad.fromText() that will eval your String and resolve all dependencies.

我的插件示例(让我们称之为 db!插件):

Example of my plugin (let's call it db! plugin):

define([], function(){
    var db = new Database(); // string is loaded from LocalStorage
    return {
        load: function(name, req, onLoad, reqConfig){
            db.get(name, function(err, scriptString){
                if (err) onLoad(err);
                else onLoad.fromText(scriptString);


You can then use the plugin like:

require(["jquery", "db!myScript"], function($, myScript){        
    // jQuery, myScript and its dependencies are loaded from database


  1. 没有 require 来自没有 eval 的字符串。这是 onLoad.fromText()在内部执行的操作。因为eval是邪恶的,所以如果你知道你将要使用什么字符串 eval(),你应该只使用它。如果您在浏览器扩展中使用它,则可能需要放宽CSP策略。

  2. 要命名您的String模块,您可以使用。这样,您的模块将始终具有相同的绝对名称。

  1. There's no way to require() from String without eval. This is what onLoad.fromText() does internally. Since eval is evil, you should only use it if you know what String you're going to eval(). If you're using it in browser extension, you might want to relax the CSP policy.
  2. To name your String module, you can use explicit naming syntax. This way, your module will always have the same absolute name.


10-28 01:14