

当按钮被禁用时,我想使用 mouseover 。如果 ng-disabled =false,下面的代码 mouseover 会起作用,但如果 ng-disabled =true

I want to use mouseover when the button is disabled. In the below code mouseover will work if ng-disabled="false" but it won't work if ng-disabled="true".

<body ng-app="ngAnimate">
  <button ng-disabled="true" ng-mouseover="show=true" ng-mouseleave="show = false">
    <span class="test" ng-show="show">
      I show up when your mouse enter on button




It's not possbile. Actually it has nothing to do with Angular. It's expected behaviour when browsers are not supposed to fire onmouseover, onclick, etc. events on disabled form controls. So you can't do it directly.

无法直接执行 - 这意味着您可以将mouseover绑定到包装容器上不会有这个限制。然后,如果需要,您需要控制操作并仅在禁用标志 true false 时继续。

Can't do it directly - meaning, that you can bind mouseover even to wrapping container which would not have this limitation. Then you would need to control action and proceed only if disabled flag is true or false if you need.


That being said, you should probably not try to workaround this behaviour. Form UX perspective disabled control should not be interaction-able, after all that's what disabled means.


09-27 14:25