本文介绍了从Java中的Pentaho .prpt报告文件生成PDF-依赖关系混乱的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有人可以帮助我开始在Maven环境中使用Java从Pentaho .prpt文件生成PDF吗?

Can anyone help me get started generating PDFs from Pentaho .prpt files using java in a maven environment?

我有一本面向Java开发人员的Pentaho Reporting 3.5书籍,我正在从那里尝试一个示例,

I have the Pentaho Reporting 3.5 for Java Developers book, and I'm trying out an example from there, essentially:

ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager();
Resource resource = manager.createDirectly(reportURL, MasterReport.class);
MasterReport report = (MasterReport) resource.getResource();
PdfReportUtil.createPDF(report, outputStream);


My problem is that I can't find MasterReport.class.

我一直在尝试从Pentaho maven存储库中获取依赖项( http: //repo.pentaho.org/artifactory/repo ),但我仍然不确定我是否拥有正确的jar版本-但我找不到任何文档或其他示例,因此仅此而已反复试验.这本书没有列出任何版本,尽管它说明了使用了哪些jar文件.

I've been round and round with this trying to get dependencies out of the Pentaho maven repository (http://repo.pentaho.org/artifactory/repo) and I'm still not sure I've got the right versions of jars - but I can't find any documentation or other examples to go on so it's all trial and error. The book doesn't list any versions although it does say what jar files are used.


Does anyone know where I can get MasterReport? And/or which versions of the various pentaho and related jars I seem to require?


UPDATE: by using JFreeReport.class instead of MasterReport.class (see my garbled comments below) I can get to the point of a parse exception:










org.jfree.resourceloader.ResourceCreationException: Unable to parse the document
at org.jfree.xmlns.parser.AbstractXmlResourceFactory.create(AbstractXmlResourceFactory.java:215)
at org.jfree.resourceloader.ResourceManager.performCreate(ResourceManager.java:455)
at org.jfree.resourceloader.ResourceManager.create(ResourceManager.java:383)
at org.jfree.resourceloader.ResourceManager.create(ResourceManager.java:329)
at org.jfree.resourceloader.ResourceManager.createDirectly(ResourceManager.java:315)



You are using a absolutely outdated version of the reporting engine. We stopped using the name JFreeReport years ago.


The current release is 3.8, while you seem to use 0.8.9. Dont do that or you are in a land of pain and suffering, as all the modern tools (like the report designer) will not work for you.

"Pentaho Reporting 3.5"书至少需要Pentaho Reporting 3.5. ;)

The "Pentaho Reporting 3.5" book requires at least Pentaho Reporting 3.5. ;)


Pentaho runs a public Maven repository at repository.pentaho.org, which among others contains the latest pentaho reporting artefacts. Use this link to see the POM info for the latest release:

http://repository.pentaho.org/artifactory/webapp/browserepo.html?pathId=pentaho%3Apentaho- report-engine%2Fpentaho-reporting-engine-classic-core%2F3.8.1-GA%2Fpentaho-reporting-engine-classic-core-3.8.1-GA.pom


All you need is to include the classic engine core and eventually any extension project that you may need. The libraries and all external dependencies should be downloaded automatically by Maven.

这篇关于从Java中的Pentaho .prpt报告文件生成PDF-依赖关系混乱的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-12 04:16