

对不起,我提出了一个基本问题,但我已经尝试了一段时间,对此一无所获.有没有人有经验克隆Pentaho-kettle项目并将其导入Eclipse?我按照 https://github.com/pentaho/pentaho-kettle 中的说明进行操作.我做了以下

Sorry for basic question, but I have been trying for a while and cannot get anywhere with this.Any one have experience clone the Pentaho-kettle project and import it into eclipse?I follow the instruction from https://github.com/pentaho/pentaho-kettle.I did the following

cd pentaho-kettle
ant clean-all resolve create-dot-classpath


Then I go into eclipse and Import Existing Project into workspace. Note that I am importing from the root folder. Should I include the option scan the nested projects? Even that, I went into almost all the module(core, engine, ui...) to run the same ant task. However, I still have a bunch of error within eclipse.Some errors are : Cannot find Type java.lang.Object (which is really strange), and a bunch other not resolving.Is there any other step I need to follow. If you have success cloning and building from the repo, please help me out here.


To update, this is what I got after following the instruction:



How to build Pentahos Kettle



ant https://ant.apache.org


First, execute to get latest master

git checkout https://github.com/pentaho/pentaho-kettle.git


then execute (to get stable release u need)

git checkout -b production origin/production

其中 production 是名称之一(红色突出显示)

where production is one of names can be found (highlighted red)

您实际上已经可以将该项目导入eclipse(文件->导入).如果您将分配给eclipse至少2GB RAM,这会更好(这是一个很大的项目).在$ ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse.ini文件中进行一些更改:

u actually already may import this project into eclipse (File->Import). Better if u will assign to eclipse at least 2GB RAM (it is pretty big project). Make some changes in $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse.ini file:



Now after import is done, eclipse will look this way


  • 红色(导入pentaho-kettle项目后的默认项目)
  • blue是我签出的项目(也考虑版本),并在构建路径中添加到pentaho-kettle项目中(尽管某些类丢失了,尽管根据常春藤它们必须位于类路径中)
  • 绿色错误是日食中的错误.甚至在我成功构建/运行/执行水壶DI之后留下的那些东西.另一个错误是不好的.


Open console (I assume ant already available on u machine and ant command already in your PATH)

cd pentaho-kettle

进入每个项目(突出显示的红色,除了 pentaho-kettle 项目)目录并执行

enter to each projects (highlighted red, except pentaho-kettle project) directories and execute

ant clean-all resolve create-dot-classpath


refresh projects in eclipse.


Note: do not execute in pentaho-kettle directory command

ant clean-all resolve create-dot-classpath


It will erase all libraries in subprojects and u will have to start from beginning.

您完成了.现在,在Eclipse中启动/调试水壶(运行配置 pentaho-kettle 中的项目可用)

You are done. Now start/debug kettle in eclipse (item in Run Configuration pentaho-kettle will be available)


Some of projects on image highlighted blue, they are used in pentaho-kettle (I think they suppose to be precompiled as jar files in pentaho-kettle/lib but ivy script didn't download them and didn't add them to pentaho-kettle project classpath. Eclipse will report "Some of classes are missing". I just checked them out from github manually as separate project (respect version) and add them to pentaho-kettle project in build path options



09-27 04:27