我发现了一些解释,关于使用 angularfire2 连接来自不同应用项目的多个数据库.但我想访问同一项目中的数据库.
I found some explanations about connecting multiple databases from separate app projects with angularfire2. But I would like to access databases within the same project.
文档 指出:
// Get the default database instance for an app
var database = firebase.database();
// Get a secondary database instance by URL
var database = firebase.database('https://testapp-1234.firebaseio.com');
我如何用 angularfire2 做到这一点?
How can I do this with angularfire2?
I know you got a working answer here : https://github.com/angular/angularfire2/issues/1567
tested with : "angularfire2": "^5.0.0-rc.6.0", "firebase": "^4.12.1"
受我想分享的 #1567 启发,我构建了一个简约的包装器.使用多个数据库有两种不同或相同项目的方法.
I've built a minimalist wrapper inspired of the #1567 I'd like to share. There are 2 methods with different or same project to use multiple databases.
You'll probably use the first one, I don't really understand the point of using multiple databases within multiple project.
export class AngularFireWrapper {
// Default database
private _firebaseDb = this.afDb.database;
constructor(private afDb: AngularFireDatabase,
@Optional() dbName: string) {
console.log('Hello AngularFireWrapper, db :', dbName || 'default');
// 1st Method, same project, same auth
// environment.dbUrls = {
// ...
// otherDb: 'https://DB_NAME_SAME_PROJECT.firebaseio.com/'
// }
if (dbName && environment.dbUrls[dbName]) {
const app: any = this.afDb.app;
this._firebaseDb = app.database(environment.dbUrls[dbName]);
// 2nd Method, other project, different auth =/
// environment.dbConfigs = {
// ...
// otherDb: {...} // usual firebase configs
// }
if (dbName && environment.dbConfigs[dbName]) {
this._firebaseDb = firebase.initializeApp(environment.dbConfigs[dbName], dbName)
db(dbName): AngularFireWrapper {
return new AngularFireWrapper(this.afDb, dbName);
object(path: string): AngularFireObject<any> {
const ref = this._firebaseDb.ref(path);
return this.afDb.object(ref);
list(path: string, queryFn?: QueryFn): AngularFireList<any> {
const ref = this._firebaseDb.ref(path);
return this.afDb.list(ref, queryFn);
Copy-Paste, inject it as you usually do with your custom services and then :
export class MyApp {
constructor(private afW: AngularFireWrapper) {
// => output default db values
// => output otherDb values
这篇关于访问同一 Firebase 应用项目的多个实时数据库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!