

很长一段时间以来,我一直在为我的开发需求开发JAX-RS Web服务。到目前为止我写的所有方法都接受java字符串或原始类型作为输入。

For quite some time now, I've been developing JAX-RS web services for my development needs. All the methods that I've written so far accept java Strings or primitive types as input.


public String MyMethod(@FormParam("username")String username, @FormParam("password")String passowrd)


What I'm trying to do now is accept images as input. I read a lot of articles regarding this. Some suggested accepting the base64 encoding as input and others suggested accepting an actual InputSteam.


However, i'm yet to see a full blown example on how to accept an InputStream. I read about the @consumer annotation and @Provider but i still can't wrap my head around it. Is there an article, documentation or an example that somehow guides me toward this? i.e. A step by step process on how to implement rather than displaying theory.


I know that the base64 encoding works but out of curiosity i would like to know how the other approach works as well...Thanks in advance.



import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
@Consumes("*/*") // to accept all input types 
public String MyMethod(InputStream stream) {
    byte[] image = IOUtils.toByteArray(stream);
    return "done";


10-11 09:44