

我有一个使用SQL Server 2005 Express数据库的通讯录应用程序.我想将数据库中的信息打印在标准信件尺寸纸张上的两列中,每列有5个联系人.每个触点包含11条线,触点之间有一个双倍间距.例如:

I have a contacts book application which uses a SQL Server 2005 Express database. I would like to print the information in the database in two columns on standard letter size paper with 5 contacts to a columns. Each contact contains 11 lines, with a double space between contacts. For example:

Column 1     Column 2
---------    ---------
Contact 1    Contact 6
Contact 2    Contact 7
Contact 3    Contact 8
Contact 4    Contact 9
Contact 5    Contact 10



10-30 06:43