

请建议有关如何可以检测一些解释或code 一个身体的特定部位之间的碰撞与另一个身体中的Box2D与libgdx.I是能够检测两个机构之间简单的碰撞用联系监听这里提到但我也想检查身体的哪个部分都ovelapping

Kindly suggest some explanation or code regarding how can i detect collision between a specific part of one body with another body in box2d with libgdx.I am able to detect simple collision between two bodies using Contact Listener as mentioned hereBut I also want to check which part of bodies are ovelapping.



ContactListener 为您提供联系作为回调参数。这些接触会告诉你哪些灯具并通过 contact.getFixtureA()接触碰撞。 getFixtureB()

The ContactListener provides you with Contact as a callback parameter. Those contacts will tell you which Fixtures did collide via contact.getFixtureA() and contact.getFixtureB().

什么人通常以找出他们的身体的一部分相撞,是有几个灯具通过 body.createFixture(编译它们.. 。)

What people usually do to find out which part of their bodies collided, is to build them with several Fixtures via body.createFixture(...).

您可以用灯具设置灯具,以及对机身用户数据。 setUserData来() body.setUserData()。你既可以保存您的夹具别的地方,并通过比较contact.getFixtureA()== xxx.savedFixture

You can set user data on Fixture as well as on Body with fixture.setUserData() and body.setUserData(). You could either save your fixture somewhere else and compare via contact.getFixtureA() == xxx.savedFixture.


That might be in your entity for example like the following:

public class Player {
    public Fixture arm;

    // create the player body and store the arm fixture
    arm = body.createFixture(...);


Then later you can do this in your contact listener:

public void beginContact(Contact contact) {
    if (contact.getFixtureA().getBody().getUserData().getClass().equals(Player.class)) {
        if (contact.getFixtureA() == ((Player)contact.getFixtureA().getBody().getUserData()).arm == contact.getFixtureA()) {
            // the arm collided with something


Or you might just add some user data like fixture.setUserData("arm") which you can then easily check. In your contact callback handler.


10-29 13:15