


Alright, here is my javascript:

$().ready(function (){
$(".contact").hover(function (){
$(".contact").not('.contact[id="'+activeId+'"]').click(function (){
$(".contact_chooser_contact").click(function (){
    $('.contacts').append('<div class="contact" id="'+id+'" title="'+phone+'">\
                                <div class="contact_img"><img src="src/default_face.png" width="64"/></div>\
                                <div class="contact_info" id="'+name+'">'+name+' <span class="sms_number">0</span></div>\
                                <div class="contact_last_sms">\
                                <!-- span class="last_sms_time"> echo $message[sizeof($message)-1]->time; </ -->\


Notice, how in the "contact_chooser_contact" click handler, I append another ".contact" in ".contacts", but now when I hover over that new ".contact", it doesnt do anything like it is supposed to. How can I fix this problem, I understand that its because I havent reinitiated the '$(".contact").hover()' after I added the new ".contact", but is there an easier way?


您需要将事件与,使用它将绑定添加到DOM的任何元素和相应的选择器。使用 on() over live()的好处是您可以将上下文缩小到特定容器,而不是整个文档。在我的示例中,我只是使用文档作为上下文。

You need to bind the event with on(), using this will bind any element added to the DOM with the respective selector. The advantage of using on() over live(), is that you can narrow down the context to a specfic container, rather than the entire document. In my example, I just use the document as the context.

jQuery 1.7 使用

jQuery 1.7 use on()

$(document).on('mouseover', '.contact', function(){

小于 1.7 ,请使用

$(document).delegate('.contact', 'mouseover', function(){

小于 1.4.2 ,请使用

$('.contact').live('mouseover', function(){


10-28 23:34