我正在使用 Telepot 制作电报机器人.
I'm making telegram bot using telepot.
The group chat message work a handler when it started with '/'.
Is there a way to get all group chat message?
机器人有一个隐私设置,可以阻止它们阅读群组中发送的所有内容.您可以通过与 @botfather 交谈来禁用此隐私设置,或者让您的机器人成为群组管理员(无论隐私设置如何,管理员都能看到所有内容).
Bots have a privacy setting that stops them from reading everything that is sent in a group. You can disable this privacy setting by talking to @botfather, or make your bot an admin of the group (admins see everything regardless of the privacy setting).
使用 BotFather 选项只需告诉他 /setprivacy
,然后选择您的机器人,然后选择 Disable
With the BotFather option just tell him /setprivacy
, then choose your bot, and then choose Disable
管理设置在 top_pencil_drawing/administrators
上,如果您正在使用手机,如果在桌面上,则在 three_dots_menu/Manage Group/administrators
Admin settings are on the top_pencil_drawing / administrators
if your are on the phone,and on the three_dots_menu / Manage Group / administrators
if on desktop.