tldr:Is there a limit to the number of bots a user can create on telegram?
用例:我正在考虑向人们销售定制机器人"作为一种服务,并希望避免让我的客户处理诸如 api 密钥或与机器人之父交谈"之类的技术问题.所以我会在我的帐户上创建他们的机器人,但如果我仅限于一定数量的机器人,这实际上是不可行的.我在他们的文档或常见问题解答中没有找到任何内容,但也许这里的某个人确实遇到了限制.
usecase:I'm considering "selling custom bots" to people as a service, and would like to avoid having my clients handle technical stuff like api keys or "talking to botfather". So I would create their bot on my account, but this isn't really doable if I'm limited to a certain number of bots.I didn't find anything in their docs or their faq, but maybe someone here did run into a limit.
每个 Telegram 帐户只能创建 20 个机器人.虽然它没有写在 Bot FAQ 中,但已经被许多 bot 开发者证明了.
You can only create 20 bots per Telegram account. Although it‘s not written in Bot FAQ, but proved by many bot developers.