本文介绍了如何在Eclipse Luna中使用Java 8功能?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经安装了JDK 8.我将我的JAVA_HOME设置为JDK 8目录。我下载了最新的Eclipse Luna。我检查了更新。我将我的默认设置(并且只有)安装到JDK 8目录中。

I've installed JDK 8. I set my JAVA_HOME to the JDK 8 directory. I downloaded the latest Eclipse Luna. I checked for updates. I set my default (and only) Installed JRE to the JDK 8 directory.


I cannot set my project nor workspace compliance level to 1.8. I even tried manually editing the preferences file to 1.8 to no avail.


What am I doing wrong? Hopefully it's something simple.

PS我的项目使用java 8编译。我使用gradle与源和目标设置为1.8,它构建和生成eclipse文件,但仍然不起作用。

PS My project builds with java 8 fine. I'm using gradle with source and target set to 1.8 and it builds and generates eclipse files, but still doesn't work.


p> Luna将默认支持Java 8,从Luna M7开始。目前您可以为开普勒(Luna或开普勒)安装Java 8支持补丁。

Luna will support Java 8 by default starting at Luna M7. For the time being you can install the Java 8 support patch for Kepler (either on Luna or Kepler).


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06-22 05:54