


I'm a tad confused here. I just started on the subject of Neural Networks and the first one I constructed used the Step-Activation with thresholds on each neuron. Now I wan't to implement the sigmoid activation but it seems that this type of activation doesn't use thresholds, only weights between the neurons. But in the information I find about this there is word of thresholds, only I can't find where they should be in the activation function.




There is no discrete jump as in step activation. The threshold could be considered to be the point where the sigmoid function is 0.5. Some sigmoid functions will have this at 0, while some will have it set to a different 'threshold'.


The step function may be thought of as a version of the sigmoid function that has the steepness set to infinity. There is an obvious threshold in this case, and for less steep sigmoid functions, the threshold could be considered to be where the function's value is 0.5, or the point of maximum steepness.


09-06 05:55