


I am holding some information in static variables defined in page class (not in Global.asax). I only declare variable in code like:

protected static int SomeGlobalUnsecureID;
protected static string SomeGlobalUnsecureString;


and define the variable in PageLoad event. For example, I check ID from the database, if it's different from SomeGlobalUnsecureID, I update SomeGlobalUnsecureID and String from somewhere else, otherwise leave them as is. This is perfectly safe in my app. logic (i.e. those data are not secure, everybody can access them, no problem); only thing I want to accomplish is

  1. 保持相同的内存量,无论连接的用户

  1. Hold the same amount of memory regardless of users connected


Change if and only if persistent info is different from the one in'memory' (because actually reading the string is time consuming forme.


Now, since I make the check in PageLoad, I have no problems in reloaded pages. However my page is full of WebMethods, and sometimes I see that the static variables are zeroed. And the strange part is; the session is still active even when the static variables are zeroed (so-> no server or app. pool restart etc.)


This is really strange for me. I assume that static variable will hold its value until the application (somehow) ends. But even the Session did not expire, the static variable is zeroed. What do you suggest? Is using application variables a better choice? All documents I've read on web suggest static variables instead of application variables, do I need to declare them somehow different?



Static variables persist for the life of the app domain. So the two things that will cause your static variables to 'reset' is an app domain restart or the use of a new class. In your case with static variables stored in an aspx Page class, you may be losing the static variables when ASP.NET decides to recompile the aspx Page into a new class, replacing the old page class with the new one.


For those reasons if the system decide to restart or replace the class (.NET doesn't kill or unload classes/assemblies in a running app domain then your static variables will reset because you are getting a new class with the restart or replacement. This applies to both aspx Pages and classes in the App_Code folder


ASP.NET will replace a class if for any reason thinks that need to recompile it (see ASP.NET dynamic compilation.

您不能prevent从应用程序域重启静态变量的损失,但你可以尽量避免它从类更换。你可以把你的静态变量中的一类,是不是一个aspx页面,是不是在APP_ code目录中。你可能想将它们放置在静态类在某处你的程序。

You can't prevent the loss of static variables from an app domain restart, but you can try to avoid it from class replacement. You could put your static variables in a class that is not an aspx page and is not in the App_Code directory. You might want to place them on a static class somewhere in your program.

public static class GlobalVariables
    public static int SomeGlobalUnsecureID;
    public  static string SomeGlobalUnsecureString;

静态变量是每个池,也就是意味着,如果你有2个游泳池,运行您的asp.net网站,你有2个不同的静态变量。 ()


The static variables are lost if the system restarts your asp.net application with one of this way.

  1. 池决定需要做出重新编译。

  2. 您打开app_offline.htm文件

  3. 您做出池手动重新启动

  4. 池是达到您已经定义并重新启动一些限制。

  5. 为您重新启动IIS的任何理由,或游泳池。


This static variables are not thread safe, and you need to use the lock keyword especial if you access them from different threads.

由于应用程序重启将重置您的静态无论什么时候,如果你真的想坚持你的数据,你应该使用自定义类中的数据存储在数据库中。您可以存储每个用户的信息,的用。 ASP.NET应用程序状态/变量不会帮助你,因为,所以他们对应用程序域重新启动输给过。

Since an app restart will reset your statics no matter what, if you really want to persist your data, you should store the data in a database using custom classes. You can store information per-user in Session State with a database session state mode. ASP.NET Application State/Variables will not help you because they are stored in memory, not the database, so they are lost on app domain restart too.


08-28 04:22