本文介绍了您如何加快Rails Asset Pipeline的预编译过程?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


您可以通过哪些方法来加快Rails Asset Pipeline的预编译过程?

What are the ways that you can speed up the Rails Asset Pipeline precompile process?


1. Capistrano部署加速



1. Capistrano deployment speedup

(1) use capistrano built-in task 'deploy/assets' to deploy.

Capistrano has its own built-in task 'deploy/assets'. It will automatically do task for you.


The difference between your own handcraft task is it only load assets group to precompile assets, not whole environment.

cd /home/apps/APP_NAME/releases/20120708184757 && bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets assets:precompile



  • 应用/资产
  • lib/资产
  • 供应商/资产
  • Gemfile.lock
  • confir/routes.rb


are changed, it will recompile assets. Otherwise, it will skip the pecompile process, save a lot of time.


@import "compass";@import "compass/typography/links/link-colors";.

但是,编译资产时,@import "compass/typography/links/link-colors";@import "compass";快9倍.

But @import "compass/typography/links/link-colors"; is 9 times faster than @import "compass"; when you compile assets.

那是因为当@import "compass";时,它将编译整个指南针资产.不仅是link-colors部分.

That is because when @import "compass";, it compile whole compass assets. not only just link-colors part.


In SCSS, we like to use partial to organize our assets.


But only if you need to share variables, or there are necessary dependencies, otherwise

//= require "reset"
//= require "base"
//= require "product"

@import "reset";
@import "base";
@import "product";

3.不需要.scss& .coffee无缘无故


当我们使用Rails生成器生成控制器时. Rails也将生成这样的资产

3. don’t require .scss & .coffee for no reason

(1) avoid using require_tree

When we use Rails generator to generate controllers. Rails will also generate assets likes this

  • product.css.scss
  • product.js.coffee


and mount assets in application.js using this techniques:

//= require_tree


But the empty assets (output nothing) which only contain this lines:

# Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here.
# All this logic will automatically be available in application.js.
# You can use CoffeeScript in this file: http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/


It will cost you about 250ms to compile each of them. If you have 10 empty assets, it will be 2.5 seconds .


Remove them from your project, or mount them individually in application.js like this:

//= require prodcuts
//= require users
//= require albums


  • 已编译jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css(0ms)(pid 19108)
  • 已编译jquery.ui.1.8.16.ie.css(0ms)(pid 19108)
  • 已编译jquery.js(5ms)(pid 19108)
  • 已编译的jquery_ujs.js(0ms)(pid 19108)
  • 已编译的custom.css(14ms)(pid 19108)
  • (2) Don't use css.scss or js.coffee if unnecessary.

    • Compiled jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css (0ms) (pid 19108)
    • Compiled jquery.ui.1.8.16.ie.css (0ms) (pid 19108)
    • Compiled jquery.js (5ms) (pid 19108)
    • Compiled jquery_ujs.js (0ms) (pid 19108)
    • Compiled custom.css (14ms) (pid 19108)
    • custom.csscustom.css.scss


      Compile pure CSS and pure JS is fast ( cost almost 0 ms). But compile .scss and .coffee still cost some time.

      1. 替换deploy.rb资产任务.
      2. 检查日志/production.log

      1. replace deploy.rb assets task.
      2. check logs/production.log

      • 找到缓慢的资产
      • 删除@import指南针";使用替代解决方案.
      • 使用require代替@import; (在确实需要时使用@import)
      • 删除require_tree,分别装入资产
      • 删除空的.scss和.coffeescript
      • 当资产是纯CSS时,请使用.css.

      这篇关于您如何加快Rails Asset Pipeline的预编译过程?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 13:56