I'm exercising executing javascript from Java. Rhino works very well for this on desktop, but has to fall back to (slow) interpreted mode on Android (due to dalvik being unable to execute the Java bytecode the Rhino JIT compiles).
Android has its built-in V8 javascript engine which is accessed internally via JNI and ought to give much better performance than Rhino; however, the only way I can find to access it is indirectly through a WebView.
Unfortunately, WebView requires a Context, and crashes with NPE with a null context, so I'm unable to even instantiate a dummy WebView to merely execute the code and return the result. The nature of my exercise doesn't really allow me to provide a Context for WebView, so I'm hoping perhaps there's something I'm overlooking.
Several of these V8Threads run in parallel, so it's not really feasible (as far as I'm aware) to add a WebView to my layout and hide it, as I don't believe a single WebView can execute functions in multiple threads.
private class V8Thread extends Thread
private WebView webView;
private String source;
private double pi;
private int i, j;
public V8Thread(int i, int j)
pi = 0.0;
this.i = i;
this.j = j;
source = "";
try {
InputStreamReader isReader = new InputStreamReader(assetManager.open("pi.js"));
int blah = isReader.read();
while (blah != -1)
source += (char)blah;
blah = isReader.read();
webView = new WebView(null);
webView.loadData(source, "text/html", "utf-8");
webView.addJavascriptInterface(this, "V8Thread");
} catch (IOException e) {
public double getResult()
return pi;
public void run()
在理想情况下,必须有一些支持方法可以直接调用V8,或至少执行JavaScript的,而不需要实际的WebView,因为它似乎是一个相当笨重,令人费解的方法只运行JavaScript code。
Ideally there must be some supported way to call V8 directly, or at least execute javascript without requiring an actual WebView, as it seems a rather clunky and convoluted method just to run javascript code.
我重新安排我的codeA位,虽然看不见这里要说的是我现在实例化的AsyncTasks对preExecute的V8Threads(),同时保持在doInBackground一切()。该人士$ C $ C被读入前面的程序,所以它不是冗余重读每个线程。
I've rearranged my code a bit, though unseen here is that now I am instantiating the V8Threads on the AsyncTasks's onPreExecute() while keeping everything else in doInBackground(). The source code is read in earlier in the program, so it's not redundantly re-read for each thread.
Because now the V8Thread is instantiated on the UI Thread, I can pass it the current view's Context (I'm using fragments so I can't just pass it "this"), so it no longer crashes.
private class V8Thread extends Thread
private WebView webView;
private double pi;
private int i, j;
public V8Thread(int i, int j)
pi = 0.0;
this.i = i;
this.j = j;
source = "";
webView = new WebView(v.getContext());
public void setResult(String in)
public double getResult()
return pi;
public void run()
webView.addJavascriptInterface(this, "V8Thread");
webView.loadData(source, "text/html", "utf-8");
但是,在执行的时候,logcat的吐出%的误差线之一,JavaScript的code从不执行先布局后无法得到viewWidth。我完全知道线程火灾,是因为这里的日志发送消息。下面是在js code相关的测试()函数。
However, when executing, logcat spits out one per thread of the error "Can't get the viewWidth after the first layout" and the javascript code never executes. I know the thread fires completely, because the "Here" log message is sent. Here's the relevant test() function in the js code.
function test()
工作正常,嗒嗒应显示在logcat的四倍,但一直没有出现。可能是我的源$ C $ C会读错,但我怀疑这一点。
Working correctly, "blah" should show up four times in logcat, but it never shows up. Could be my source code is read incorrectly, but I doubt that.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(assetManager.open("pi.js"));
while (scan.hasNextLine()) source += scan.nextLine();
The only other thing I can imagine is that due to these aforementioned errors, the webView never actually gets around to executing the javascript.
I'll also add that pi.js contains only javascript, no HTML whatsoever. However, even when I wrap it in just enough HTML for it to qualify as a webpage, still no luck.
您可以创建通过其API的新V8引擎上下文,并用它来执行你的JavaScript,看看https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/v8 包括
目录,其中包含两个C ++头文件。链接对libwebcore.so(从https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/webkit)通过NDK库,没什么特别的。
You can create a new V8 Context via its API and use that to execute your JavaScript, look into https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/v8 include
directory which contains two C++ header files. Link against the libwebcore.so (compiled from https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/webkit) library via the NDK, nothing special.
v8::Persistent<v8::Context> context = v8::Persistent<v8::Context>::New(v8::Context::New());
参见 https://developers.google.com/v8/get_started 的工作,并会在Android上。只要确保该设备实际上是附带了V8(一些较旧的设备附带JSC [JavaScript的核心])。
Refer to https://developers.google.com/v8/get_started which will work on Android. Just make sure the device actually ships with V8 (some older devices ship with JSC [JavaScript Core]).