


I'm wondering what the consensus is on how many simultaneous asynchronous ajax requests is generally allowable.


The reason I ask, is I'm working on a personal web app. For the most part I keep my requests down to one. However there are a few situations where I send up to 4 requests simultaneously. This causes a bit of delay, as the browser will only handle 2 at a time.

的延迟是不可用性方面的问题,目前是这样。而这将是一段时间之前,我担心的可扩展性,如果有的话。但是我想坚持最佳实践,尽可能合理。你有什么想法? 4请求一个合理的数字?

The delay is not a problem in terms of usability, for now. And it'll be awhile before I have to worry about scalability, if ever. But I am trying to adhere to best practices, as much as is reasonable. What are your thoughts? Is 4 requests a reasonable number?


这真的取决于它是否工作那样正常。如果应用程序的逻辑构建了4 simultaneos请求有道理,像这样做。如果逻辑不被打包多个请求打扰到一个请求,你能做到这一点,但只有当它不会使code更复杂。保持它的简单和直接的,直到你有问题,那么你就可以开始优化。

That really depends on if it works like that properly. If the logic of the application is built that 4 simultaneos requests make sense, do it like this. If the logic isn't disturbed by packing multiple requests into one request you can do that, but only if it won't make the code more complicated. Keep it as simple and straight forward until you have problems, then you can start to optimize.


But you can ask yourself if the design of the app can be improved that there is no need for multiple requests.


Also check it on a really slow connection. Simultaneous http requests are not necessarily executed on the server in the proper order and they might also return in a different order. That might give problems you'll experience only on slower lines.


08-03 17:47