


I want to know how can we change the Document Version Manually in Alfresco using OpenCmis? As of now when i update the document, every time alfresco change the version itself but I want to change version from user input like 1.0,2.0, 2.1 etc.

例如。 document.txt 1.0,
document.txt 1.1

For Eg. document.txt 1.0, document.txt 1.1

我想放置2.3版而不是document.txt 1.1

Instead of document.txt 1.1 i want to place version 2.3


在CMIS下无法实现您的目标。 强制 cmis:document 上的所有版本控制属性为只读,并且是在某些方面影响它们的唯一方法是通过Versioning API进行的,该API仅允许您指定是创建次要版本还是主要版本,以及可选的签入注释。

There's no way to accomplish your goal under CMIS. The spec mandates all versioning properties on a cmis:document to be read only, and the only way to affect them in some ways is through the Versioning API, which only allow you to specify whether you're creating a minor or a major version, and an optional checkin comment.


You will need to write some more sophisticated server side extension to Alfresco if you want to do that, or extend your content model to provide a custom property to hold the information you currently want to store into the version label.


07-29 21:25