

我使用PHP的 date()函数遇到一个有趣的问题。没有任何运气找到在这个SO或使用Google的讨论,但也许有人遇到同样的问题?

I have run into an interesting issue using PHP's date() function. Haven't had any luck locating a discussion of this on SO or using Google, but maybe someone else has run into the same issue before?


I am trying to get the YEAR and the WEEK OF THE YEAR for a given timestamp. This is the code I am using:


截至今日正确输出: 2011-W39


The problem is when supplying a timestamp, if the timestamp in question is, for example, on January 3rd, 2011 (which was actually part of the "52nd week of 2010". PHP correctly returns W52, but it also returns 2011 as the year, instead of 2010.


输出: 2011-W52

解决这个问题?我应该注意,虽然在这种情况下,很容易比较,输出的 strtotime()大于当前 time()并进行调整,但是我需要一个前几年的解决方案(例如,如果2010年1月3日发生同样的事情)。

Any idea on how to solve this problem? I should note that although in this case it would be easy to just compare that the strtotime() of the output is greater than the current time() and adjust, but I need a solution that will work for previous years as well (e.g. if the same thing happened for January 3rd 2010).


Darn,显然我没有重新阅读文档c在PHP 5.1.0中添加了信件 o

Darn, apparently I didn't re-read the documentation closely enough, the letter o was added in PHP 5.1.0:


所以我的代码应该是 date(o-\ WW);


08-28 20:13