我正在用 R 进行大量分析,并使用 .html Markdown 格式来展示和交流工作.通常,我的经理需要更正/添加代码块随附的文本,并且实际上与代码块没有交互.分析通常由我一个人完成,因此代码协作的优先级较低.
I'm producing plenty of analyses in R and utilizing the .html Markdown format to present and communicate work. Often, my manager will need to correct/add to the text which accompanies the code blocks, and has practically no interaction with the code blocks. The analyses are typically produced by myself alone, so code collaboration is a low priority.
在理想情况下,他可以打开 .html 并在浏览器中编辑文本,我认为这是不可能的.
In an ideal world, he could open up the .html and edit the text in a browser, which I understand is not possible.
Are there any simple solutions for this? I am sure this is a common problem so there must be an easy solution I am overlooking. Here are the current solutions being considered:
- 使用 Git(但我的经理不想学习 Git)
- 使用 Jupyter Notebooks(但我更愿意坚持使用 R Markdown 来与 RStudio 集成并用于可复制的模板)
- 在共享网络上将 Markdown 编织为具有手动版本控制的 Word 文档,允许跟踪 Word 文档中的更改,并复制并粘贴对 .Rmd 文件所做的更改
The latter is least elegant but most likely to be used at the moment. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
也许 redoc 是您的一个选择.我自己还没有尝试过,它仍然是实验性的,但它可以让你通过 Word 进行协作.基本上可以编辑 Word 文档并将所有更改传回 RMarkdown.请参阅此处.
Maybe redoc is an option for you. Haven't tried it myself and it's still experimental but it would allow you to collaborate via Word. Basically the Word document can be edited and passed back to RMarkdown with all changes. See here.
这篇关于与经理合作处理 R Markdown 报告的最佳方式?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!