

我想知道如何禁用鼠标左键以在rmarkdown slidy_presentation中显示另一张幻灯片.如果我试图禁用/启用可打印图表中的某些类别,它将跳至另一张幻灯片.有什么选择如何处理它.非常感谢您的建议.

I'm wondering how to disable left mouse click to show another slide in rmarkdown slidy_presentation. If I'm trying to disable/enable some category in plotly chart, it'll skip to another slide. Is there any option how to handle it. Many thanks for your suggestions in forward.


在当前版本的slidy(rmarkdown 1.6)中,查看演示文稿时,可以通过按'k'键来disable/enable mouse click前进.

In my current version of slidy (rmarkdown 1.6) you can disable/enable mouse click advance by pressing key 'k', when viewing the presentation.

要更改默认(打开文件时)行为,我必须更改第55行中的[R package library]/rmarkdown/rmd/slidy/Slidy2/scripts/slidy.js

To change the default (on file open) behavior I had to change line 55 in [R package library]/rmarkdown/rmd/slidy/Slidy2/scripts/slidy.js to

mouse_click_enabled: false, // enables left click for next slide


10-29 12:32