


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Function prototypes */
void wordLength ( char *word );
void wordConcat ( char *wordC1, char *wordC2);

int main (void)
    int choice;
    char word [20];
    char wordC1 [20];
    char wordC2 [20];

    printf( "Choose a function by entering the corresponding number: \n"
        "1) Determine if words are identical\n"
        "2) Count number of words in sentence provided\n"
        "3) Enter two strings to be strung together\n"
        "4) Quit program\n" );
    scanf( "%d", &choice );

    while (choice >= 1 && choice < 4)
        /* if statements for appropriate user prompt and calls function */
        if (choice == 1)
            /* gather user input */
        printf( "\nYou have chosen to determine word length.\n"
                "Please enter the word:\t");
            gets( word );

            /* call function to output string as well as the string length */
            wordLength( word );

        else if (choice == 2)
            printf( "\nYou have chosen to concatenate 2 words with a % symbol in between them.\n"
                "Please enter word 1:\t");

            gets( wordC1 );

            printf("Please enter word 2:\t");

            gets( wordC2 );

            /* call function to output string as well as the string length */
            wordLength( word );

void wordLength( char *word )
    int length;

    printf( "\nThe string entered is:  %s\n\n", word);

    length = strlen (word);

    printf("The string length is: %d\n", length);


void wordConcat(char *wordC1, char *wordC2)
    printf( "\nThe first word entered is:  %s\n", wordC1);
    printf( "\nThe second word entered is:  %s\n", wordC2);


I am trying to concatenate two words coming from separate strings. I can't seem to find how to do this in the MSDN library. Does it even exist in C? Or do you need some sort of algorithm? How is this done?



strcat() is the standard function to use, and this function is very simple and normally written in C so you could just as easily write it from scratch.



09-07 01:38