


  1. 数据集1 -记录一次商店访问的详细信息.商家名称,位置,日期和与SKU(数据集2)的关系
  2. 数据集2 -这是SKU数据,其中每个sku的库存水平作为新记录输入,每个记录都与数据集1的访问相关.
  1. Dataset 1 - Records the details of a store visit. Merchandiser name, location, date & a relation to SKU (Dataset 2)
  2. Dataset 2 - This is the SKU data, where the stock levels for each sku are input as a new record, each associated to a visit from Dataset 1.


  1. 我想将此数据合并到一个表中.我想显示每个SKU记录,以及用于访问信息(例如位置和日期)的其他列.我该怎么做.

  1. I want to combine this data into a single table. I want to show each SKU record, with additional columns for the visit information (such as the location & date). How do I do this.

如何合并这些数据以在其他地方使用,例如Google Data Studio.本质上,我希望能够查看SKU的库存水平的历史记录或上次更新的日期.

How do I combine this data for use elsewhere, such as google data studio. Essentially I want to be able to see an SKU's stock-level's history, or the date it was last updated.



You need to create Calculated Data Source. You can refer this sample.


  1. 在Appmaker中添加数据源.
  2. 选择计算所得",提供名称"并创建数据源.


Once your Calculated Model is in place. Add fields as per need basis. e.g. If you want to store Sum of two fields, create one Integer field in Calculated Model. Here's how your calculated data model will look like.


Now go to Second Tab which is "Datasources". Click on the Data Model name there. You should see an option to write server side script.


Here you should write your logic for combining your data sources. I can provide you one sample to achieve this.

//server script
var calculatedModelRecords = [];
var recordsByStatus = {};
var allRecord = app.models.Request.newQuery().run(); //your existing data source.

for (var i = 0; i < allRecord.length; i++) {
     var record = allRecord[i];
    var draftRecord = app.models.TAT.newRecord(); //new data source
    draftRecord.CreatedOn = record.CreatedOn;
    draftRecord.DocumentName = record.DocumentName;
    draftRecord.DueDate = record.DueDate;
    draftRecord.DaysPerStage = record.DaysPerStage;
    draftRecord.Status = record.Status;

return calculatedModelRecords;


08-20 12:40