


  • 10:存储引擎第196页第7段说明




    • 空格

    • 记录长度

    • 区块中未使用的字节数

    • 空值指示器标志

    此记录(如果记录不符合先前创建的空间并且必须拆分,则指向该记录的延续)链接将从已插入大小过大的数据的每一行的前面开始。这可能会使MyISAM表 .MYD 文件很快膨胀。



      OPTIMIZE TABLE mytable; 


      ALTER TABLE mytable ROW_FORMAT = Fixed; 

    即使使用固定行格式,必须花费时间查找可用记录, O(1)搜索时间(在外行人的术语中,无论表具有多少行或具有多少删除行,它将花费相同的时间来定位可用记录)。您可以绕过此步骤,方法是启用如下:


    concurrent_insert = 2


      mysql> SET GLOBAL concurrent_insert = 2; 

    这将导致所有INSERT在表空间中找到。 p>



    • 固定行格式的速度更快

      • 2012年5月3日

      • 2011年9月20日

      • 2011年5月10日


      在大多数情况下,当您运行 ALTER TABLE mytable ROW_FORMAT = Fixed ; ,表可能增长80-100%。 .MYI 文件(MyISAM表的索引页)也将以相同的速率增长。


      如果你想要MyISAM表的速度,并且可以使用更大的表,我需要替代的建议。如果要节省每个MyISAM表的空间,请保持行格式不变(动态)。您将不得不使用 OPTIMIZE TABLE mytable; 压缩表,动态表更频繁。

      I am trying to understand how MyISAM physically store its records and how it maintains its structure after record insertion and record deletion. I have read the following link:

      I want to make sure if I understand it correctly, please correct me if it is not right.

      Fixed-sized record

      • Delete marker determines whether record is deleted or not deleted.
      • Record header holds which column of a row contains NULL value
      • The length of data is fixed.

      Variable-sized record

      • Delete marker is replaced with BLOCK_DELETED block type
      • Record header holds length of data and length of unused data
      • A single record can be seperated into multiple block connected by overflow pointer.


      • For variable-sized record, change block type to BLOCK_DELETED
      • Maintain double linked-list of all deleted record by having the previous pointer of the newly deleted record points to last deleted record. Then, the last deleted record's next pointer points to the newly deleted record.
      • For fixed-sized record, simply change delete marker as deleted. (unsure if they use double linked-list to connect all the deleted record with fixed-sized record)


      • If there is no unused space (deleted records), append the data at the end of the file
      • If there is unused space that fits the newly inserted record, write the new record there.
      • If there is unused space that is far bigger than newly inserted record, split into two records: the new record and the deleted record.
      • If there is unused space that is smaller than newly inserted record, write data there, have overflow pointer to points to the unfitted data at other block.


      • What if users update existed data with longer data? Will MyISAM marked the record as deleted and find place that fits the new data or simply use overflow pointer to point to unfitted data?

      Recap the question again

      Additional questions

      • Would it be very inefficient if the table has been deleted and inserted for many times since the record structure could potentially full of overflow pointers and unused space?


      The information you have in the question concerning MyISAM is right on target. However, I would like to address your two additional questions:


      According to the Book

      Chapter 10 : "Storage Engines" Page 196 Paragraph 7 says

      Based on that paragraph, the old record gets overwritten with linkage data only if the new data to insert cannot fit in the previously allocated block. This can result in many bloated rows.


      From my previous answer, there would be lots of blocks that have

      • block of space
      • the length of the record
      • the number of unused bytes in the block
      • NULL value indicator flags
      • possibly a pointer to the continuation of the record if the record did not fit into the previously created space and had to be split up

      Such record links would start in the front of every row that have oversized data being inserted. This can bloat a MyISAM tables .MYD file very quickly.


      The default row format of a MyISAM is Dynamic. When a table is Dynamic and experiences lots of INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs, such a table would need to optimized with

      OPTIMIZE TABLE mytable;

      There is an alternative: switch the table's row format to Fixed. That way, all rows are the same size. This is how you make the row format Fixed:

      ALTER TABLE mytable ROW_FORMAT=Fixed;

      Even with a Fixed Row Format, time must be taken to locate an available record but the time would be O(1) search time (In layman's terms, it would take the same amount of time to locate an available record no matter how many rows the table has or how many deleted rows there are). You could bypass that step by enabling concurrent_insert as follows:

      Add this to my.cnf

      concurrent_insert = 2

      MySQL restart not required. Just run

      mysql> SET GLOBAL concurrent_insert = 2;

      This would cause all INSERTs to go to the back of the table without looking for free space.

      Advantage of Fixed Row tables

      • INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs would be somewhat faster
      • SELECT are 20-25% faster

      Here are some of my posts on SELECT being faster for Row Formats being Fixed

      Disadvantage of Fixed Row tables

      In most cases, when you run ALTER TABLE mytable ROW_FORMAT=Fixed;, the table may grow 80-100%. The .MYI file (index pages for the MyISAM table) would also grow at the same rate.


      If you want speed for MyISAM tables and can live with bigger tables, my alternate suggestions would be needed. If you want to conserve space for each MyISAM table, leave the row format as is (Dynamic). You will have to compress the table with OPTIMIZE TABLE mytable; more frequent with Dynamic tables.


10-23 13:03