



  1. 让面试官对图书馆员的详细信息,并从那里走。特别是,看看他是易受贿赂(我指的是图书管理员,但细想起来,这可能去面试也一样)。
  2. 双击检查的愚蠢失误(卡错,错的架子,661-88是雷尔88-199等)。
  3. 在搜索借来的书卡的抽屉里。如果它被借用,请注意截止日期和回来后,或注意借款人的家庭住址,然后转到B计划。
  4. 查找范围的附近,在任一方向的几本书和上面和下面的货架,在情况下,它被错误地reshelved。
  5. 检查表,楼层,复印机和返回车。
  6. 查找在货架上的差距。如果在正确的位置差距那么至少你知道你正在寻找在正确的地方。如果没有缝隙,然后找一本书的架子,不belong--有人可能是弄错了才换他们。如果没有这样的错放的书,那么也许这本书从来没有这个架子上,见下文。
  7. 寻找灰尘的货架上。它可能说明是否一本书已经在过去的一个月内拆除。同样检查索引卡的衰老的痕迹。流程图变得有点复杂,但书可能已经丢失年前。
  8. 检查指标体系:如果这本书没有合适的号码的主题/标题/作者/什么的,再有就是索引卡上的错字,你必须计算正确的号码自己找出的本书确实是。
  9. 在刚刚出去买了该死的书,你的时间比这更有价值。

I found the following question while preparing for an interview:

How would you answer this question? What methods of searching would you use?

  1. Ask the interviewer for more information about the librarian and go from there. In particular, find out if he's susceptible to bribery (I mean the librarian, but come to think of it this might go for the interviewer as well).
  2. Double-check for dumb mistakes (wrong card, wrong shelf, "661-88" is reall "88-199" and so on).
  3. Search the drawer of borrowed-book cards. If it's been borrowed, note the due date and come back later, or note the borrower's home address and go to plan B.
  4. Look in the vicinity, a few books in either direction and the shelves above and below, in case it was incorrectly reshelved.
  5. Check the tables, floors, photocopiers and return carts.
  6. Look for a gap on the shelf. If there is a gap in the right spot then at least you know you're looking in the right place. If there's no gap then look for a book on that shelf that doesn't belong-- somebody may have swapped them by mistake. If there's no such misplaced book then maybe the book was never on this shelf, see below.
  7. Look for dust on the shelf. It might indicate whether a book has been removed within the past month. Likewise check the index card for signs of age. The flowchart gets a little complicated, but the book may have been lost years ago.
  8. Check the index system: if the book doesn't have the right number for its subject/title/author/whatever, then there is a typo on the index card and you must calculate the correct number yourself to find out where the book really is.
  9. Just go out and buy the damned book, your time is more valuable than this.


08-31 07:41