本文介绍了Cassandra - 表的合理最大数量是多少?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!










只是有很多表不是一个大问题,即使有多少你可以有 - 你可以有尽可能多的你想要提供你有足够的内存来保持跟踪他们的结构。有很多的表和阅读和写作给他们在同一时间将是一个问题,但。与对较少的表执行相同数量的读取和写入操作相比,它需要更多的资源。

I am new to Cassandra. As I understand the maximum number of tables that can be stored per keyspace is Integer.Max_Value. However, what are the implications from the performance perspective (speed, storage, etc) of such a big number of tables? Is there any recommendation regarding that?

thanks in advance



While there are legitimate use cases for having lots of tables in Cassandra, they are rare. Your use case might be one of them, but make sure that it is. Without knowning more about the problem you're trying to solve, it's obviously hard to give guidance. Many tables will require more resources, obviously. How much? That depends on the settings, and the usage.

For example, if you have a thousand tables and write to all of them at the same time there will be contention for RAM since there will be memtables for each of them, and there is a certain overhead for each memtable (how much depends on which version of Cassandra, your settings, etc.).

However, if you have a thousand tables but don't write to all of them at the same time, there will be less contention. There's still a per table overhead, but there will be more RAM to keep the active table's memtables around.

The same goes for disk IO. If you read and write to a lot of different tables at the same time the disk is going to do much more random IO.

Just having lots of tables isn't a big problem, even though there is a limit to how many you can have – you can have as many as you want provided you have enough RAM to keep the structures that keep track of them. Having lots of tables and reading and writing to them all at the same time will be a problem, though. It will require more resources than doing the same number of reads and writes to fewer tables.

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08-04 01:00