像往常一样,我花了很多时间才问一个问题,五年前我确实在Stack Overflow上找到了一个类似的问题:为什么不赞成使用fgets函数?
As I usually do, I spent time searching before asking a question, and I did find a similar question on Stack Overflow from five years ago:Why is the fgets function deprecated?
尽管GNU建议在 fgets
上使用 getline
,但我注意到 stdio.h
中的 getline
可以使用任意大小的线.它会根据需要调用 realloc
Although GNU recommends getline
over fgets
, I noticed that getline
in stdio.h
takes any size line. It calls realloc
as needed. If I try to set the size to 10 char:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char *buffer;
size_t bufsize = 10;
size_t characters;
buffer = (char *)malloc(bufsize * sizeof(char));
if( buffer == NULL)
perror("Unable to allocate buffer");
printf("Type something: ");
characters = getline(&buffer,&bufsize,stdin);
printf("%zu characters were read.\n",characters);
printf("You typed: '%s'\n",buffer);
In the code above, type any size string, over 10 char, and getline will read it and give you the right output.
就像我在上面的代码中所做的那样,甚至不需要 malloc
- getline
帮您完成.我将缓冲区的大小设置为0,并且 getline
将根据需要为我 malloc
和 realloc
There is no need to even malloc
, as I did in the code above — getline
does it for you. I'm setting the buffer to size 0, and getline
will malloc
and realloc
for me as needed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char *buffer;
size_t bufsize = 0;
size_t characters;
printf("Type something: ");
characters = getline(&buffer,&bufsize,stdin);
printf("%zu characters were read.\n",characters);
printf("You typed: '%s'\n",buffer);
If you run this code, again you can enter any size string, and it works. Even though I set the buffer size to 0.
我一直在研究CERT指南中的安全编码做法 www.securecoding.cert.org
I've been looking at safe coding practices from CERT guidelines www.securecoding.cert.org
我当时正在考虑从 fgets
切换到 getline
,但是我遇到的问题是我无法弄清楚如何限制 getline
I was thinking of switching from fgets
to getline
, but the issue I am having, is I cannot figure out how to limit the input in getline
. I think a malicious attacker can use a loop to send an unlimited amount of data, and use up all the ram available in the heap?
是否有一种方法可以限制 getline
使用的输入大小,或者 getline
Is there a way of limiting the input size that getline
uses or does getline
have some limit within the function?
使用fget不一定有问题,所有gnu手册都告诉您,如果文件中有一个'\ 0'字节,那么将在您的缓冲区.您将无法判断缓冲区中的null分隔符是文件的实际结尾,还是文件内的null.这意味着您可以将200个字符的缓冲区读取一个100个字符的文件,其中将包含50个字符的c字符串.
Using fgets is not necessarily problematic, all the gnu manual tells you is that if there's a '\0'-Byte in the file, so will there be in your buffer. You won't be able to tell if the null-delimiter in your buffer is the actual end of the file or just a null within the file. This means you can read a 100 char file into a 200 char buffer and it will contain a 50 char c-string.
The stdio.h readline in fact doesn't appear to have any sane length limitation so fread might be viable alternative.
取消链接C getline
和C ++ std :: getline()
,C ++ std :: istream :: getline()
仅限于 count
Unlinke C getline
and C++ std::getline()
, C++ std::istream::getline()
is limited to count