


I have multithreads application and i get this error

************** Exception Text **************
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()


I probably have problem with my collection, because on one thread i read my collection and on another thread i modify collection.

public readonly ObservableCollectionThreadSafe<GMapMarker> Markers = new ObservableCollectionThreadSafe<GMapMarker>();

public void problem()
  foreach (GMapMarker m in Markers)


I am trying to lock collection with this code, but doesn't work.

public void problem()
         foreach (GMapMarker m in Markers)


Any ideas to fix that problem?


这是很常见错误 - 修改的集合,同时使用的foreach 迭代它,记住,的foreach 使用只读 IEnumerator的实例。

This is pretty common mistake - modifying a collection whilst iterating it using foreach, keep in mind that foreach uses readonly IEnumerator instance.

试用使用通过收集循环为()额外指数检查,以便如果索引越界 - 你就可以申请额外的逻辑来处理这个问题,也可作为循环退出条件,你可以使用LINQ 计数()这将评估计数每次如果底层枚举不执行的ICollection 值:

Try out loop through the collection using for() with extra index check so if index is out of bound - you would be able applying additional logic to handle this, also as loop exit condition you can use LINQ Count() which would evaluate count value each time if underlying enumeration does not implement ICollection:

如果标记工具 IColletion - 上SyncRoot上的锁:

If Markers implements IColletion - lock on SyncRoot:

lock (Markers.SyncRoot)


for (int index = 0; index < Markers.Count(); index++)
    if (Markers>= Markers.Count())
       // TODO: handle this case to avoid run time exception


Might find this post useful: How do foreach loops work in C#?


08-24 17:10