


 '4420ffb32a'=> array(
'path'=>'path / to / resource',

对于这样的数据,最好的永久存储是什么? MySQL会是最好的选择,还是对于这样简单的数据呢?




一个关系数据库肯定是过度的。也就是说,如果这是已经有一个MySQL或其他数据库的应用程序的一部分,我会去的。同样,文件存储可以方便地(例如写入一堆XML文件),但磁盘I / O可能很慢。




For a small PHP app I am writing, we need to store a large number of records that have a hash key, and a few simple field values ('host', 'path'). eg:

'4420ffb32a' => array(
  'host' => '',
  'path' => 'path/to/resource',

What is the best persistent storage for data like this? Would MySQL be the best choice, or is it overkill for such simple data? What would give the best performance?


Short answer: Membase.

Long answer:
You basically have three options: a relational database, file storage, or something else.

Like you said, a relational database could definitely be overkill. That said, if this is part of an application that already has a MySQL or other database, I would go with that. Likewise, file storage can be handy sometimes (writing to a bunch of XML files, for example), but disk I/O can be slow.

Now in the other category, you have some great NoSQL options like CouchDB or Memcached.

If you aren't too worried about the persistence of your data, I'd recommend memcache. It's lightweight, easy to get running, and there is a Memcache PHP extension that makes using it easy. It is made for key-value storage like this.

The one drawback memcache has is that all your data is lost the second the memcache service stops. This is where Membase comes in. It is an open-source fork of memcache that is protocol-compatible, meaning it will work with all existing client libraries. However, it can persist your data and actually provide consistency and reliability, something memcache can't on its own.


10-29 18:49