

在很多情况下,科学家们使用模具来模拟系统的动力学,这使数学运算符在网格上卷积。通常,此操作会消耗大量计算资源。 是对该想法的很好解释。

In many occasions, scientists simulates a system's dynamics using a Stencil, this is convolving a mathematical operator over a grid. Commonly, this operation consumes a lot of computational resources. Here is a good explanation of the idea.

在numpy中,编写2D 5点模具的规范方法如下:

In numpy, the canonical way of programming a 2D 5-points stencil is as follows:

for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(cols):
        grid[i, j] = ( grid[i,j] + grid[i-1,j] + grid[i+1,j] + grid[i,j-1] + grid[i,j+1]) / 5


Or, more efficiently, using slicing:

grid[1:-1,1:-1] = ( grid[1:-1,1:-1] + grid[0:-2,1:-1] + grid[2:,1:-1] + grid[1:-1,0:-2] + grid[1:-1,2:] ) / 5


However, if your grid is really big, it won't fix in your memory, or if the convolution operation is really complicated it will take a very long time, parallel programing techniques are use to overcome this problems or simply to get the result faster. Tools like Dask allow scientist to program this simulations by themselves, in a parallel-almost-transparent manner. Currently, Dask doesn't support item assignment, so, how can I program a stencil with Dask.


很好的问题。您是正确的 提供并行计算,但不支持项目分配。我们可以通过使一个函数一次处理一个numpy数据块,然后将该函数映射到我们的数组上并以稍微重叠的边界来解决模板计算。

Nice question. You're correct that dask.array do provide parallel computing but don't doesn't support item assignment. We can solve stencil computations by making a function to operate on a block of numpy data at a time and then by mapping that function across our array with slightly overlapping boundaries.


You should make a function that takes a numpy array and returns a new numpy array with the stencil applied. This should not modify the original array.

def apply_stencil(x):
    out = np.empty_like(x)
    ...  # do arbitrary computations on out
    return out


Dask数组通过将数组分解为较小的数组的不相交的块来并行操作。诸如模板计算之类的操作将需要相邻块之间的一点重叠。幸运的是,可以使用模块进行处理, 方法

Map a function with overlapping regions

Dask arrays operate in parallel by breaking an array into disjoint chunks of smaller arrays. Operations like stencil computations will require a bit of overlap between neighboring blocks. Fortunately this can be handled with the dask.array.ghost module, and the dask.array.map_overlap method in particular.

实际上, map_overlap 文档字符串中的示例是一维正向有限差分计算

Actually, the example in the map_overlap docstring is a 1d forward finite difference computation

>>> x = np.array([1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1])
>>> x = from_array(x, chunks=5)
>>> def derivative(x):
...     return x - np.roll(x, 1)
>>> y = x.map_overlap(derivative, depth=1, boundary=0)
>>> y.compute()
array([ 1,  0,  1,  1,  0,  0, -1, -1,  0])


08-19 15:11