In my website, I have several links like so:
< a href =tel:// + 12181112222class = call> 218.111.2222< / a>
I want to use jQuery (or other method) to determine whether the device supports making calls / using the tel:// protocol. Does such a method exist in the world?
I want to use some method for enabling or disabling the links, because when clicked on desktop we come to a page like "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (tel) isn't associated with any program."
目前,我正在嗅探用户代理并检测如果它是移动设备。但是,有更好/准确的方法吗?像jQuery的 $ .support.xx
Currently, I am sniffing the user agent and detecting if it is a mobile device. But, is there a better/accurate way? Something like jQuery's $.support.xx
if ( (/iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry/).test(navigator.userAgent) != true ){
$(".call").attr("href", "#");
我不确定Android或BlackBerry,但iOS会自动接收电话号码并将其换行:< a href =tel:xxx> xxx< / a>
.. .so你可以有一个隐藏的< div>
I'm not sure about Android or BlackBerry, but iOS will automatically pick up telephone numbers and wrap them like so: <a href="tel:xxx">xxx</a>
...so you could have a hidden <div>
somewhere that contains a phone number like 1-800-555-5555, then, on page load do something like this:
var isTelephone = $("a[href*='tel:']").length > 0;
This may or may not be portable to other platforms, you'll have to try it out.