我开始试验 Web Audio API,尝试创建不同的振荡器来产生声波.
I started to experiment with the Web Audio API, trying to create different oscillators to produce acoustic waves.
Since I'm kinda new to the whole process, I'm wondering if there's a way to play tones, not with a constant frequency, but changing them midways.
示例:我想要一个音调,从 300 Hz 开始 3 秒,然后线性升高到 400 Hz接下来的4 秒.
Example:I want a tone, that starts at 300 Hz for 3 seconds, and then raise linearly to 400 Hz over the next 4 seconds.
I fount this, but I'm not really sure if it is what I'm looking for:
到目前为止我的 JavaScript:
My JavaScript so far:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Function that plays the tone.
var playTone = function(duration, frequency) {
var context = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var osc = context.createOscillator();
// Sine is the default type. Also available: square, sawtooth and triangle waveforms.
osc.type = 'sine';
// Frequency in Hz.
osc.frequency.value = frequency; // Frequency in Hz
osc.stop(context.currentTime + duration);
// Button and input functionality.
$("button").on("click", function() {
var whichButton = $(this).text()
var duration = document.getElementById("durationInput").value;
var frequency = document.getElementById("f1Input").value;
if (whichButton == " Play") {
playTone(duration, frequency);
到目前为止我的代码笔: Codepen.io- 声波发生器
您不需要 PeriodicWave - 那是用于谐波(加法)合成的.
You don't want a PeriodicWave - that's for harmonic (additive) synthesis.
这非常简单 - 您只需要使用频率 AudioParam 的调度方法setValueAtTime"和linearRampToValueAtTime".试试这个:
This is pretty straightforward - you just need to use the frequency AudioParam's scheduling methods "setValueAtTime" and "linearRampToValueAtTime". Try this:
// Function that plays the tone.
var playTone = function(duration, frequency) {
var context = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var osc = context.createOscillator();
// Sine is the default type. Also available: square, sawtooth and triangle waveforms.
osc.type = 'sine';
var now = context.currentTime;
// Frequency in Hz.
// Set initial value. (you can use .value=freq if you want)
osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(frequency, now);
// set a "checkpoint" in 3 seconds - that will be the starting point of the ramp.
osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(frequency, now+3);
// set a ramp to freq+100Hz over the next 4 seconds.
osc.stop(now + duration);