


I have this code to generate frequency of words and arrange them according to the higher frequency... it works completely fine but some of the words like "and" "or" "a" "the" are irrelevant. i want to delete them along with there frequency. Need some assistance..

String[] arr = targetListBox.Text.Split(' ');
Dictionary<string, int> dic = new Dictionary<string, int>();
dic = mkCount(arr, dic);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
var sortedDict = (from entry in dic orderby entry.Value descending select entry).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);
//richTextBox1.Text="Most Frequent Terms in the File: " + targetListBox.Text + " ";
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> pair in sortedDict)

    // Output the most frequently occurring words and the associated word counts
    sb.AppendLine(pair.Key + " " + pair.Value + " ");
    richTextBox1.Text = sb.ToString();



string[] arrToCheck = new string[] {"and","or","a" };
                StringBuilder input = new StringBuilder(targetListBox.Text);
                foreach (string word in arrToCheck )
                    input.Replace(word, string.Empty);
                targetTextBox2.Text = input.ToString();


10-16 12:49