I am trying to define a complex type (i.e, a type that consists of both a real and imaginary part) and am trying to find out a way to make it generic.
This my current static code:
type complex_vector is record
Re : signed(15 downto 0);
Im : signed(15 downto 0);
end record;
Now I wonder whether there is a way to make this generic, in in other word something like:
type complex_vector (Generic: Integer := WIDTH) is record
Re : signed(WIDTH downto 0);
Im : signed(WIDTH downto 0);
end record;
I tried to google for a solution as well as going through my books, but I cannot find any solution. Is there really none? Without records it is possible to wright something like this:
type blaaa is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC;
Or could I do something like the following?
type complex_primitives is (re, im);
type complex_vector is array (re to im) of signed(natural range <>);
The following is legal syntax in VHDL-2008:
type complex is record
re : signed ; -- Note that this is unconstrained
im : signed ;
end record ;
signal my_complex_signal : complex (re(7 downto 0), im(7 downto 0)) ;
IMPORTANT NOTE This example makes use of records with unconstrained arrays. Support for VHDL-2008 at this point is hit-and-miss. Some tools support many of VHDL-2008 features, but many do not yet fully support all new features.
To read about VHDL-2008 and the new features, see this presentation which is a good summary on the subject.