

在VHDL中,'字符可用于封装字符令牌ie '.'或用作属性分隔符(类似于CPP的::令牌)ie string'("hello").

In VHDL it the ' character can be used to encapsulate a character token ie '.' or it can as an attribute separator (similarish to CPP's :: token) ie string'("hello").

解析包含字符ie string'('a','b','c')的属性名称时出现问题.在这种情况下,幼稚的词法分析器会错误地将第一个'('标记为字符,并且随后的所有实际字符都会被弄乱.

The issue comes up when parsing an attribute name containing a character ie string'('a','b','c'). In this case a naive lexer will incorrectly tokenize the first '(' as a character, and all of the following actual character will be messed up.

在comp.lang.vhdl的Google组中有一个线程从2007年开始问类似的问题标题为 使'char变词" ,有用户偏见的答案

There is a thread in comp.lang.vhdl google group from 2007 which asks a similar questionTitled "Lexing the ' char" that has an answer by user diogratia

        case '\'':                          /* IR1045 check */

            if (    last_token == DELIM_RIGHT_PAREN ||
                    last_token == DELIM_RIGHT_BRACKET ||
                    last_token == KEYWD_ALL ||
                    last_token == IDENTIFIER_TOKEN ||
                    last_token == STR_LIT_TOKEN ||
                    last_token == CHAR_LIT_TOKEN || ! (buff_ptr<BUFSIZ-2) )
                token_flag = DELIM_APOSTROPHE;
            else if (is_graphic_char(NEXT_CHAR) &&
                    line_buff[buff_ptr+2] == '\'') { CHARACTER_LITERAL:
                buff_ptr+= 3;               /* lead,trailing \' and char */
                last_token = CHAR_LIT_TOKEN;
                token_strlen = 3;
                return (last_token);
            else token_flag = DELIM_APOSTROPHE;

请参阅问题报告IR1045: http://www.eda-twiki.org/isac/IRs-VHDL-93/IR1045.txt

See Issue Report IR1045: http://www.eda-twiki.org/isac/IRs-VHDL-93/IR1045.txt

从上面的代码片段中可以看到,最后一个标记可以是 捕获并用来使歧义类似:

As you can see from the above code fragment, the last token can be captured and used to di"sambiguate something like:

  foo <= std_logic_vector'('a','b','c');


without a large look ahead or backtracking.


However, As far as I know, flex doesn't track the last token that was parsed.


如果有帮助,我正在使用IntelliJ GrammarKit.

I am using IntelliJ GrammarKit if that helps.



The idea behind IR1045 is to be able to tell whether a single quote/apostrophe is part of a character literal or not without looking ahead or backtracking when you're wrong, try:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity foo is
    port (
        a:      in      std_logic;
        b:      out     std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)
end entity;

architecture behave of foo is
    b <= std_logic_vector'('0','1','1','0')     when a = '1' else
         (others =>'0')                         when a = '0' else
         (others => 'X');
end architecture behave;



There is however a practical example of flex disambiguation of apostrophes and character literals for VHDL.

Nick Gasson的nvc使用flex,他在其中实施了Issue Report 1045解决方案.

Nick Gasson's nvc uses flex, in which he implemented an Issue Report 1045 solution.

请参见 nvc/src/lexer.l 已根据GPLv3许可.

See the nvc/src/lexer.l which is licensed under GPLv3.


Search for last_token:

#define TOKEN(t) return (last_token = (t))

#define TOKEN_LRM(t, lrm)                                       \
   if (standard() < lrm) {                                      \
      warn_at(&yylloc, "%s is a reserved word in VHDL-%s",      \
              yytext, standard_text(lrm));                      \
      return parse_id(yytext);                                  \
   }                                                            \
   else                                                         \
      return (last_token = (t));


An added function to check it:

static int resolve_ir1045(void);

static int last_token = -1;



static int resolve_ir1045(void)
   // See here for discussion:
   //   http://www.eda-stds.org/isac/IRs-VHDL-93/IR1045.txt
   // The set of tokens that may precede a character literal is
   // disjoint from that which may precede a single tick token.

   switch (last_token) {
   case tRSQUARE:
   case tRPAREN:
   case tALL:
   case tID:
      // Cannot be a character literal
      return 0;
      return 1;


The IR1045 location has changed since the comp.lang.vhdl post it's now


You'll also want to search for resolve_ir1045 in lexer.l.

static int resolve_ir1045(void);

{CHAR}            { if (resolve_ir1045()) {
                       yylval.s = strdup(yytext);


Where we find nvc uses the function to filter detecting the first single quote of a character literal.

这最初是Ada问题. IR-1045从未被采用,而是被普遍使用.可能还有Ada flex词法分析器也显示出歧义.

This was originally an Ada issue. IR-1045 was never adopted but universally used. There are probably Ada flex lexers that also demonstrate disambiguation.

在Ada User Journal卷中讨论了消除歧义的要求从2006年9月开始在27页3号发表在PDF页面30和31(第27卷159和160页)上的中,我们认为解决方案并不为人所知.

The requirement to disambiguate is discussed in Ada User Journal volume 27 number 3 from September 2006 in an article Lexical Analysis on PDF pages 30 and 31 (Volume 27 pages 159 and 160) where we see the solution is not well known.


The comment that character literals do not precede a single quote is inaccurate:

entity ir1045 is
end entity;

architecture foo of ir1045 is
        type twovalue is ('0', '1');  
        subtype string4 is string(1 to 4);
        attribute a: string4;
        attribute a of '1' : literal is "TRUE";
        assert THIS_PROCESS.'1''a /= "TRUE"
            report "'1''a /= ""TRUE"" is FALSE";
        report "This_PROCESS.'1''a'RIGHT = " &
    end process;
end architecture;


The first use of an attribute with selected name prefix that has a suffix that is a character literal demonstrates the inaccuracy, the second report statement shows it can matter:

ghdl -a ir1045.vhdl
ghdl -e ir1045
ghdl -r ir1045
ir1045.vhdl:13:9:@0ms:(assertion error): '1''a /= "TRUE" is FALSE
ir1045.vhdl:15:9:@0ms:(report note): This_PROCESS.'1''a'RIGHT = 4

除了包含带有字符字面后缀的选定名称的属性名称前缀外,还要求属性规范在同一属性中装饰"已声明的实体(entity_class的属性,请参见IEEE Std 1076-2008 7.2属性规范).声明实体所在的声明性区域.

In addition to an attribute name prefix containing a selected name with a character literal suffix there's a requirement that an attribute specification 'decorate' a declared entity (of an entity_class, see IEEE Std 1076-2008 7.2 Attribute specification) in the same declarative region the entity is declared in.


This example is syntactically and semantically valid VHDL. You could note that nvc doesn't allow decorating a named entity with the entity class literal. That's not according to 7.2.


Enumeration literals are declared in type declarations, here type twovalue. An enumerated type that has at least one character literal as an enumeration literal is a character type (


10-13 20:01