


import numpy as np
from numba import jit
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import mpz, xmpz

import time
import sys

def findIntegerSolutionsGmpy2(limit: np.uint64):
    for x in np.arange(0, limit+1, dtype=np.uint64):
        y = mpz(x**6-4*x**2+4)
        if gmpy2.is_square(y):

def main() -> int:
    limit = 100000000
    start = time.time()
    end = time.time()
    print("Time elapsed: {0}".format(end - start))
    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':

使用limit = 1000000000例程大约在几分钟内完成。4秒。限制(我将其移交给修饰函数)不会超过64位的无符号整数(这在这里似乎不是问题)。




错误结果的真正原因很简单,您忘记了将x转换为mpz,所以将语句x ** 6 - 4 * x ** 2 + 4提升为np.uint64类型,并使用溢出进行计算(因为语句中的xnp.uint64)。修复很简单,只需添加x = mpz(x)

@jit('void(uint64)', forceobj = True)
def findIntegerSolutionsGmpy2(limit: np.uint64):
    for x in np.arange(0, limit+1, dtype=np.uint64):
        x = mpz(x)
        y = mpz(x**6-4*x**2+4)
        if gmpy2.is_square(y):

您可能还注意到,我添加了forceobj = True,这是为了在启动时取消Numba编译警告。



它的工作方式如下。您可能注意到,如果一个数是平方数,那么它也是模数平方(取模数是x % N运算)。

我们可以取任何数字,例如一些素数的乘积K = 2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19。现在我们可以创建一个简单的过滤,计算所有以K为模的平方,在位向量内标记此平方,然后检查此过滤位向量中有哪些以K为模的数字。

上面提到的过滤K(素数的乘积)只剩下1%的候选方块。我们也可以做第二个阶段,将同样的过滤应用于其他素数,例如K2 = 23 * 29 * 31 * 37 * 41。这将使他们的过滤价格上涨更多3%。我们总共将有1% * 3% = 0.03%初始候选人的剩余金额。


筛选阶段可以很容易地封装到Numba函数中,就像我下面做的那样,这个函数可以有额外的Numba参数parallel = True,这将告诉Numba在所有CPU核上自动并行运行所有的Numpy操作。

在代码中,我使用limit = 1 << 30,这表示要检查的所有x的限制,我使用block = 1 << 26,这表示在并行的Numba函数中,一次要检查多少个数字。如果您有足够的内存,您可以将block设置得更大,以便更有效地占用所有CPU核心。1 << 26大小的挡路大约占用1 GB左右的内存。


Try it online!

import numpy as np, numba

@numba.njit('u8[:](u8[:], u8, u8, u1[:])', cache = True, parallel = True)
def do_filt(x, i, K, filt):
    x += i; x %= K
    x2 = x
    x2 *= x2;     x2 %= K
    x6 = x2 * x2; x6 %= K
    x6 *= x2;     x6 %= K
    x6 += np.uint64(4 * K + 4)
    x2 <<= np.uint64(2)
    x6 -= x2; x6 %= K
    y = x6
    #del x2
    filt_y = filt[y]
    filt_y_i = np.flatnonzero(filt_y).astype(np.uint64)
    return filt_y_i

def main():
    import math
    gmpy2 = None
    import gmpy2

    Int = lambda x: (int(x) if gmpy2 is None else gmpy2.mpz(x))
    IsSquare = lambda x: gmpy2.is_square(x)
    Sqrt = lambda x: Int(gmpy2.sqrt(x))

    Ks = [2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19,    23 * 29 * 31 * 37 * 41]
    filts = []
    for i, K in enumerate(Ks):
        a = np.arange(K, dtype = np.uint64)
        a *= a
        a %= K
        filts.append((K, np.zeros((K,), dtype = np.uint8)))
        filts[-1][1][a] = 1
        print(f'filter {i} ratio', round(len(np.flatnonzero(filts[-1][1])) / K, 4))

    limit = 1 << 30
    block = 1 << 26

    for i in range(0, limit, block):
        print(f'i block {i // block:>3} (2^{math.log2(i + 1):>6.03f})')
        x = np.arange(0, min(block, limit - i), dtype = np.uint64)

        for ifilt, (K, filt) in enumerate(filts):
            len_before = len(x)
            x = do_filt(x, i, K, filt)
            print(f'squares filtered by filter {ifilt}:', round(len(x) / len_before, 4))

        x_to_check = x
        print(f'remain to check {len(x_to_check)}')

        sq_x = []
        for x0 in x_to_check:
            x = Int(i + x0)
            y = x ** 6 - 4 * x ** 2 + 4
            if not IsSquare(y):
            yr = Sqrt(y)
            assert yr * yr == y
            sq_x.append((int(x), int(yr)))
        print('squares found', len(sq_x))

        del x

if __name__ == '__main__':


filter 0 ratio 0.0094
filter 1 ratio 0.0366
i block   0 (2^ 0.000)
squares filtered by filter 0: 0.0211
squares filtered by filter 1: 0.039
remain to check 13803
squares found 2
[(0, 2), (1, 1)]
i block   1 (2^24.000)
squares filtered by filter 0: 0.0211
squares filtered by filter 1: 0.0392
remain to check 13880
squares found 0
i block   2 (2^25.000)
squares filtered by filter 0: 0.0211
squares filtered by filter 1: 0.0391
remain to check 13835
squares found 0
i block   3 (2^25.585)
squares filtered by filter 0: 0.0211
squares filtered by filter 1: 0.0393
remain to check 13907
squares found 0



07-18 21:00