


I have an array of true/false values with a very simple structure:

# the real array has hundreds of thousands of items
positions = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, False], dtype=np.bool)


I want to traverse this array and output the places where changes happen (true becomes false or the contrary). For this purpose, I've put together two different approaches:

  • 递归二进制搜索(查看所有值是否相同,如果不相同,则一分为二,然后递归)
  • 纯粹的迭代搜索(遍历所有元素并与上一个/下一个进行比较)


Both versions give exactly the result that I want, however Numba has a greater effect on one than another. With a dummy array of 300k values, here are the performance results:

结果是,使用Numba时,binary_search比iterative_search慢5倍,而从理论上讲,它应该快100倍(如果正确加速,则预计运行时间为9 µs).

As a result, when using Numba, binary_search is 5x slower than iterative_search, while in theory it should be 100x faster (it should be expected to run in 9 µs if it was properly accelerated).


这两种方法的代码(以及示例position数组)都可以在以下公开要点上找到: https://gist.github.com/JivanRoquet/d58989aa0a4598e060ec2c705b9f3d8f

Code for both approaches (along with a sample position array) is available on this public gist: https://gist.github.com/JivanRoquet/d58989aa0a4598e060ec2c705b9f3d8f


Note: Numba is not running binary_search() in object mode, because when mentioning nopython=True, it doesn't complain and happily compiles the function.



You can find the positions of value changes by using np.diff, there is no need to run a more complicated algorithm, or to use numba:

positions = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, False], dtype=np.bool)
dpos = np.diff(positions)
# array([ True, False, False,  True, False, False, False,  True, False, False])

这可行,因为False - True == -1np.bool(-1) == True.


It performs quite well on my battery powered (= throttled due to energy saving mode), and several years old laptop:

In [52]: positions = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=300_000, dtype=bool)          

In [53]: %timeit np.diff(positions)                                             
633 µs ± 4.09 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)


I'd imagine that writing your own diff in numba should yield similar performance.


The last statement is false, I implemented a simple diff function using numba, and it's more than a factor of 10 faster than the numpy one (but it obviously also has much less features, but should be sufficient for this task):

def ndiff(x): 
    s = x.size - 1 
    r = np.empty(s, dtype=x.dtype) 
    for i in range(s): 
        r[i] = x[i+1] - x[i] 
    return r

In [68]: np.all(ndiff(positions) == np.diff(positions))                            
Out[68]: True

In [69]: %timeit ndiff(positions)                                               
46 µs ± 138 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)


10-15 07:29