On your last question: someObject.someMethod is indeed a function call. More specifically, it's a call to a function object in the someObject's context.For those who don't know this: JS functions are objects, and the called context is either explicitly set using the bind method (defined on the Function.prototype) or ad-hoc:var referenceToMethod = someObject.someMethod;referenceToMethod();//<-- inside the function objects, this now points to the global object一个简单的想法是,JS函数只是在内存/空间/时间中漫无目的地浮动,直到通过引用调用它们为止,然后将该引用的上下文传递给函数对象,以确定哪个对象它会与之互动.不幸的是,默认情况下这是全局对象,或者在严格模式下为null.An easy way to think of it is that JS functions just float around aimlessly in memory/space/time, until they are called via a reference, the context of that reference is then passed to the function object, to determine what object it'll interact with. This is, sadly, the global object by default, or null in strict mode. 这篇关于为什么JSHint不喜欢在对象上进行方法调用的三元组?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!