

寻找一个Ruby差异引擎。所以你可以做一些与meld viewer相同的东西。


  1. 字符串1

  2. 字符串2

  3. 字符串3


  1. String1

  2. String3 li>
  3. String4


我已经在使用这个:,但它绝对不是完美的,但相当不错。我想补充一点,但是我试图在继续讨论这个问题之前找到另一个知识。 解决方案

标准解决方案是Austin Ziegler的 diff-lcs 库,其中  顾名思义就是 –实现最长的公共子序列算法。更准确地说,McIlroy和Hunt的LCS算法。这个库是Mario I. Wolczko的Smalltalk的一个实现,该实现从1993年开始用于McIlroy-Hunt算法以及 Algorithm :: Diff Perl库。

不幸的是,自2004年以来还没有一个版本。这不会太坏,因为自1976年以来McIlroy-Hunt算法没有改变,但是 String Ruby中的处理在Ruby 1.9中发生了显着变化。

Looking for a Ruby differencing engine. So you can do some of the same things meld viewer does.

For example you have this first set of code per line:

  1. String1
  2. String2
  3. String3

2nd set:

  1. String1
  2. String3
  3. String4

The diff would come out to show lines 2 and 3 are different.

I already am using this one: http://github.com/pvande/differ, but it's definitely not perfect but pretty good. I would like to add on to it, however I'm trying to find some knowledge on another one before going further with this differ.


The "standard" solution is Austin Ziegler's diff-lcs library, which – as the name implies – implements a longest common subsequence algorithm. More precisely, the LCS algorithm by McIlroy and Hunt. This library is a port of Mario I. Wolczko's Smalltalk implementation of the McIlroy-Hunt algorithm from 1993 as well es the Algorithm::Diff Perl library.

Unfortunately, there hasn't been a release since 2004. Which wouldn't be that bad, since the McIlroy-Hunt algorithm hasn't changed since 1976, but String handling in Ruby has changed significantly in Ruby 1.9.


05-25 20:46