

何时在 BISON 中调用%destructor?我有以下的bison代码:

When is %destructor invoked in BISON? I have the following bison code:

    char * sval;
    Variable * vval;

%token Literal
%type <vval> Expression VARIABLE
%type <sval> Literal

%destructor { delete $$; } <vval>
%destructor { delete $$; } Literal

其中 我认为处理一行后,所有的变量对象将被释放,但我可以看到没有析构函数调用。这将直接导致内存泄漏...

where Variable is a class. I thought that after processing a line, all the Variable objects will be freed, but I can see no destructor invoked. And that will lead straightly to memory leak...


To be clear; I allocate a new Variable object for a new token, and this token is pushed to the BISON stack. I want to delete the Variable when it is popped by bison and discarded from the stack. I thought that %destructor serves that purpose, but I am not sure anymore..


我想出, ()它执行操作后,所以例如

I figured out, that I should free() it after I perform the action, so for example

| String CONCAT String { $$ = concat($1,$3); free($1); free($3); }



09-13 23:41